I have looked at my project's dependencies (with ./gradlew :<module>:dependencies [where <module> is all my modules]) and verified that I have only one dependency that should be pulling in the support ListAdapter class, and it is this one:implementation "com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:27.1.0"我也使用configurations.all { resolutionStrategy { ... force "com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:27.1.0" }}我尝试清洁/重建.我尝试使缓存无效并重新启动.我还尝试过手动删除所有构建文件夹和.gradle文件夹.我也曾尝试禁用D8,但后来我的构建永久挂起.问题仍然存在.我什至没有使用 ListAdapter!I have tried cleaning/rebuilding. I have tried invalidating caches and restarting. I have also tried manually deleting all my build folders and .gradle folders. I have also tried disabling D8, but then my build just hangs forever. The problem persists. I'm not even using ListAdapter!推荐答案想通了!原来 android.arch.paging:runtime-1.0.0-alpha4-1 依赖项 也已经声明了ListAdapter.将分页库更新为 alpha6 后,问题已解决.Figured it out! Turns out the android.arch.paging:runtime-1.0.0-alpha4-1 dependency also had ListAdapter declared. After updating the paging lib to alpha6, the problem was resolved. 编辑由于某种原因,这个问题引起了很多关注!因此,我以为我会将此评论添加为教人钓鱼"的时刻.问题:我如何弄清我的ListAdapter的来源?答案?如果您使用的是Android Studio/IntelliJ IDEA,请按 ctrl + n 开始搜索类名.您会看到以下对话框:EDIT For some reason, this question is getting a lot of attention! So, I thought I'd add this comment as a "teach a person to fish" sort of moment. The question: how did I figure out where my ListAdapters were coming from? The answer? If you're using Android Studio / IntelliJ IDEA, hit ctrl+n to begin searching for class names. You'll see this dialog:请注意复选框!如果未选中该选项,则从不查找图书馆包含的类.选中它,它将显示项目中每个班级的出处.Please note the checkbox! If you don't have that checked, you will never find a class included by a library. With it checked, it'll show the provenance of every class in your project. 这篇关于Android:v7支持lib 27.1.0的编译错误“程序类型已存在" android.support.v7.recyclerview.extensions.ListAdapter的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!