First I'll apologize for the unclear title of my question. I wasn't sure how to succinctly describe my problem in a title.
I have a hidden field in my .aspx
<input type="hidden" name="hid1" value="0" />
I want to set the value of this field during the page load event, and if it is not a postback.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!Page.IsPostBack) {
// This doesn't work!
Request.Form["hid1"] = "1";
if (Page.IsPostBack) {
// This DOES work!
Request.Form["hid1"] = "1";
问题是,该请求不包含页面加载事件中表单数组中的隐藏字段时,它不是一个回发(即 - 第一次的页面被击中)。随后点击页面(也就是 - 回传)。结果包含隐藏字段的表单阵列中的
The problem is that the Request doesn't contain the hidden field in the Form array during the page load event when it's not a postback (ie - the first time the page is hit). Subsequent hits to the page (ie - postbacks) result in the Form array containing the hidden field.
I'm sure that it has to do with the lifecycle of the page, but what I really need to know is how do I set the hidden field during the page load event and when it is not a postback?
I really, really don't want to incorporate the runat="server" attribute!
You could define a property in your page class and then modify the property value in your code:
protected string HiddenFieldValue { get; set; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsPostBack)
HiddenFieldValue = "postback";
HiddenFieldValue = "not postback";
Then define the hidden form field like this so that it's value is set to the property value:
<input type='hidden' id='hidden1' value='<%=HiddenFieldValue %>' />
If you only want to set the value form the property during a postback or non-postback you could add the condition as well:
<input type='hidden' id='hidden1' value='<% if(IsPostBack) { %> <%=HiddenFieldValue%> <% } %>' />