很抱歉的混乱冠军,我不能EX preSS的问题很简洁...
Sorry for the confusing title, I cannot express the problem very concisely...
I have an Android app with a ListView that uses a circular / "infinite" adapter, which basically means I can scroll it up or down as much as I want and the items will wrap around when it reaches the top or bottom, making it seem to the user as if he is spinning an infinitely long list of (~100) repeating items.
The point of this setup is to let the user select a random item, simply by spinning / flinging the listview and waiting to see where it stops. I decreased the friction of the Listview so it flings a bit faster and longer and this seems to work really nice. Finally I placed a partially transparent image on top of the ListView to block out the top and bottom items (with a transition from transparent to black), making it seem as if the user is "selecting" the item in the middle, as if they were on a rotating "wheel" that they control by flinging.
There is one obvious problem: after flinging the ListView does not stop at a particular item, but it can stop hovering between two items (where the first visible item is then only partially shown). I want to avoid this because in that case it is not obvious which item has been "randomly selected".
Long story short: after the ListView has finished scrolling after flinging, I want it to stop on a "whole" row, instead of on a partially visible row.
Right now I implemented this behavior by checking when the scrolling has stopped, and then selecting the first visible item, as such:
lv = this.getListView();
lv.setOnScrollListener(new OnScrollListener() {
public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {}
public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {
if (scrollState == OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE)
if (isAutoScrolling) return;
isAutoScrolling = true;
int pos = lv.getFirstVisiblePosition();
isAutoScrolling = false;
This works reasonably well, apart from one glaringly obvious problem... The first visible item might only be visible for a pixel or two. In that case, I want the ListView to jump "up" for those two pixels so that the second visible item is selected. Instead, of course, the first visible item is selected which means the ListView jumps "down" almost an entire row (minus those two pixels).
In short, instead of jumping to the first visible item, I want it to jump to the item that is visible the most. If the first visible item is less than half visible, I want it to jump to the second visible item.
下面是希望传达我的观点的例证。最左边的ListView(每对)急张显示后的状态已停止(它在哪里停止),右边的ListView显示它的外观后,作出了跳通过选择第一个可见项目。在左边我显示当前的(错误的)情况:B项只是勉强可见的,但它仍然是第一个可见项目,以便在ListView跳转到选择的项目 - 这是不符合逻辑的,因为它滚动,几乎整个项目的高度到那里。这将是更合理的滚动到C项(这是描绘在右侧),因为这是更近。
Here's an illustration that hopefully conveys my point. The left most ListView (of each pair) shows the state after flinging has stopped (where it comes to a halt), and the right ListView shows how it looks after it made the "jump" by selecting the first visible item. On the left I show the current (wrong) situation: Item B is only barely visible, but it is still the first visible item so the listView jumps to select that item - which is not logical because it has to scroll almost an entire item height to get there. It would be much more logical to scroll to Item C (which is depicted on the right) because that is "closer".
我如何能实现这种行为?我能想到的唯一的办法就是以某种方式衡量第一个可见项目的多少是可见的。如果超过50%,那么我跳转到该位置。如果低于50%,我跳到那个位置+ 1,不过,我不知道如何来衡量?
How can I achieve this behavior? The only way I can think of is to somehow measure how much of the first visible item is visible. If that is more than 50%, then I jump to that position. If it is less than 50%, I jump to that position + 1. However I have no clue how to measure that...
您可以得到一个孩子使用 getChildVisibleRect
You can get the visible dimensions of a child using the getChildVisibleRect
method. When you have that, and you get the total height of the child, you can scroll to the appropriate child.
In the example below I check whether at least half of the child is visible:
View child = lv.getChildAt (0); // first visible child
Rect r = new Rect (0, 0, child.getWidth(), child.getHeight()); // set this initially, as required by the docs
double height = child.getHeight () * 1.0;
lv.getChildVisibleRect (child, r, null);
if (Math.abs (r.height ()) < height / 2.0) {
// show next child
else {
// show this child
这篇关于Android的ListView控件 - 停止滚动,在“整体”行位置的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!