


I am pretty new to SQL, so forgive me if this is a noob question. I am building a stored procedure that queries from a table that has data stored by month. Here is a simplified example of what the table looks like:

|    date    |  value_A   |  value_B   |
| 2014-01-01 |    100     |    200     |
| 2014-02-01 |    200     |    400     |
| 2014-03-01 |    300     |    600     |
| 2014-04-01 |    400     |    800     |
| 2014-05-01 |    500     |    1000    |
| 2014-06-01 |    600     |    1200    |
| 2014-07-01 |    700     |    1400    |
|    ...     |    ...     |    ...     |

在此过程中,我需要计算:( Value_A / Value_B ) 。但是,Value_B需要滞后一个月。因此,在上面的示例中,2014年2月的计算结果为:(2014年2月的 Value_A / 2014年1月的Value_B )或( 200/200 )。那么,2014年3月的计算结果将是:(2014年3月的 Value_A / 2014年2月的Value_B )或( 300/400 ),依此类推。希望这是有道理的。

In the procedure, I need to calculate: (Value_A / Value_B). However, Value_B needs be lagged one month behind. So in the example above, the calculation for February 2014 would be: (Value_A of Feb 2014 / Value_B or Jan 2014) or (200 / 200). The calculation for March 2014 would then be: (Value_A of Mar 2014 / Value_B of Feb 2014) or (300 / 400), and so on and so forth. Hope that makes sense.

如果我只查询一个特定的月份,这不会太困难,因为我可以使用 CASE 语句在过程中。但是由于我需要检索按月分组的一年的数据量,因此我有些困惑。

It wouldn't be too difficult to do if I was only querying a specific month since I could use a CASE statement in the procedure. But since I need to retrieve a year's worth of data grouped by month, I am a bit stumped.


Without the one month lag of Value_B, I have the SQL statement set up like:

SELECT ex.`date `, ex.value_A / ex.value_B AS calc
  FROM example_table ex
 WHERE ex.`date` BETWEEN '2014-03-01' AND '2015-02-01'
GROUP BY ex.`date`


I'm not sure where to go from here. I've experimented with different joins and unions but haven't had any luck. Do I need to query Value_A and Value_B separately with their own date range, then merge them together somehow for the calculation? Or am I making this much harder than it really is?



SELECT t.date, t.value_A/t2.value_B AS calc
FROM table t JOIN table t2 ON t.date = DATE_ADD(t2.date, INTERVAL 1 MONTH)


08-15 00:21