感谢您的帮助.....the problem is this is working fine for 1 word but when i am using more than 1 wordthen it throws an error and i don't want to use Free Textcan someone suggest something like whatever be the value comes in @keyword free text count it as a single word like if i am Using "Stored Procedure" in place of @keyword then its working finethanks for help.....推荐答案希望有用,Hope helpful,--You can store each word with single quote separated by commas into @Keyword variable--Pass string with single quote ' seperated by , commDeclare @Keyword varchar(200) = '''First'',''third'',''fifth'''Declare @Query varchar(500)set @Query = 'select * from TenderDetail where ProductSubCatName in (' + @Keyword + ')'exec (@Query) 这篇关于将多个单词组合成单个字符串值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-04 13:05