Hi there,
I am new to Database Projects and I tried to add a not-null column to an existing table.
In a script under Prescripts I create a new temporary Table and copy the data into that table.
我删除了alle FK指向该表格,之后我删除现有表格中的数据。
I remove alle the FK's pointing to that tablen and after that I delete the data in the existing table.
This approach is shown in a HOL document unter http://vsdatabaseguide.codeplex.com.
但这在Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1中不起作用。
But this does not work in Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1.
What I found out is that the deploy engine creates the following actions:
- 它检查表中是否有我添加列的数据。如果有则它会停止!!!!!
- It checks if there is data in the table where I added the column. If there is then it stops!!!!!
- 然后它会尝试删除我之前在我的处方中删除的所有外键约束。出现错误,部署中断!!!!
- Then it tries to drop all foreign key constraints which I dropped before in my prescript. There is an error and the deployment breaks!!!!
Here if in Pre deployment script, target table data have been deleted then I am amazed how it got fail in the later steps. In the later step it is checking the existing of any records in the target database table as it has to alter that table and may create some problem if it has data in that table. So the key would be here that somehow the data in the target table might not have successfully deleted.
Please see the below links for more details.
http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vstsdb/thread/ab49536d-827d-49fd-a874- 6e29dd8104a7
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