假设我有一个连接到 mongoDB 的 node.js 服务器.然后 mongoDB 死掉或断开连接.当然,node.js 服务器会失去连接.即使我重新启动 mongoDB,node.js 服务器也不会自动连接到新的 mongodb,即使它运行在具有相同端口的同一台机器上.我需要重新启动 Node.js 服务器或以某种方式编写自己的例程来重新连接它.
Let say I have a node.js server connecting to a mongoDB. Then the mongoDB die or disconnect. Of course, node.js server will lose connection. Even if I restart mongoDB, node.js server will not connect to the new mongodb automatically even it is running on the same machine with same port. I need to either restart Node.js server or somehow write my own routine to reconnect it.
Is there any node module to handle reconnection? and in a less aggressive way. (i.e. won't ask for connection every second).
The answer to this question will depend on your driver version and your specific code.
The most recent driver versions should support connection pooling. This typically means that you may get an exception when attempting a first connection, but you should be able to re-connect.
您的实施也很重要.有几种方法可以做到这一点.有些人会在启动 Web 服务器之外打开连接,有些人会响应请求.
Your implementation is also important. There are several ways to do this. Some people open a connection outside of starting the web server, others do it in response to requests.
如果您有连接池,那么您应该能够在每个请求上打开连接".您必须在重启后正确处理错误,但您不需要重启 Node 环境.
If you have connection pooling, then you should be able to "open a connection" on every request. You will have to handle the errors correctly after reboot, but you should not need to restart the Node environment.
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