


a year later if I was going to do this again I'd do it with curl.js instead of Rails asset pipeline.



I'm writing an app and using coffeescript to generate all of the js. That's why the related question doesn't do what I need.


I'd like to be able to put a coffeescript file in a subfolder of my assets directory and have that .coffee file only get served up on one page. The page is on a named route

match'myNotifications'=> 'user#notifications'

最明显的做法是将.coffee文件放在 assets \\ javascripts \user\index.js.coffee 。但在阅读关于资产的文档之后,我不清楚。

The most obvious thing to do was to put the .coffee file in assets\javascripts\user\index.js.coffee. But after reading the docs about assets I'm unclear.


I read this line (from http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html):

好的,所以我把页面特定的js放在 assets\javascripts \user.js.coffee 。然后我重新加载我的主页,Ctrl F5。 user.js文件仍在首页上加载。测试使用 $ - > alert'ready from users controller';当我加载首页时看到提醒。

Ok cool, so I put the page specific js in assets\javascripts\user.js.coffee. Then I reloaded my home page, Ctrl F5. The user.js file is still being loaded on the homepage. Tested with $ -> alert 'ready from users controller'; seeing that alert when I load the homepage.


Does Rails have a way to have a per-page coffeescript file that will only be served up with that page? Am I reading the manual wrong? Is there a place in the assets folder that I can put .coffee files where they won't get loaded with every page?




不仅仅是将文件包含在一个页面上,你可能只需要使用有条件的页面标记的逻辑。请参阅。这样,您的用户不必为特定网页提出额外的< script> 请求。

Rather than only including the file on one page, you might want to just use logic that's conditional on the page markup. See my answer to a related question. That way, your users don't have to make an additional <script> request for the particular page.

如果该页面有一个很多逻辑(例如,10K +缩小),那么是,拆分出来。正如您在对您的问题的编辑中建议的:而不是在 javascripts 目录的根目录中执行 require_tree。创建一个名为 global 的子目录,并将 application.js 的顶部从

If there's a lot of logic specific to that page (say, 10K+ minified), then yes, split it out. As you suggested in the edit to your question: Rather than doing require_tree . at the root of your javascripts directory, instead create a sub-directory called global and change the top of application.js from

require_tree .

require_tree global

然后将特定于页面的CoffeeScript文件放在根 javascripts 目录,并在该网页的模板中使用 javascript_include_tag 调用指向它。

Then put your page-specific CoffeeScript file in the root javascripts directory, and point to it with a javascript_include_tag call in that page's template.


07-30 00:42