Hello i have now search the hole web and found a lot but i just dont know how to make it to work so now im asking here for help
i want to do so then a person create a comment it should said "created 1 sec. ago" and then 1 min and 1 hour and like that :)
你要什么。当你使用函数set $ deep参数为1时。
I think this is exactly what you want. When you using the function set $deep parameter to 1.
function timespan($seconds = 1, $time = '', $deep = NULL)
$CI = & get_instance();
$current_deep = 0;
if (!is_numeric($seconds))
$seconds = 1;
if (!is_numeric($time))
$time = time();
if ($time <= $seconds)
$seconds = 1;
$seconds = $time - $seconds;
$str = '';
$years = floor($seconds / 31536000);
if ($years > 0)
$str .= $years . ' ' . $CI->lang->line((($years > 1) ? 'date_years' : 'date_year')) . ', ';
if (++$current_deep == $deep)
return substr(trim($str), 0, -1);
$seconds -= $years * 31536000;
$months = floor($seconds / 2628000);
if ($years > 0 OR $months > 0)
if ($months > 0)
$str .= $months . ' ' . $CI->lang->line((($months > 1) ? 'date_months' : 'date_month')) . ', ';
if (++$current_deep == $deep)
return substr(trim($str), 0, -1);
$seconds -= $months * 2628000;
$weeks = floor($seconds / 604800);
if ($years > 0 OR $months > 0 OR $weeks > 0)
if ($weeks > 0)
$str .= $weeks . ' ' . $CI->lang->line((($weeks > 1) ? 'date_weeks' : 'date_week')) . ', ';
if (++$current_deep == $deep)
return substr(trim($str), 0, -1);
$seconds -= $weeks * 604800;
$days = floor($seconds / 86400);
if ($months > 0 OR $weeks > 0 OR $days > 0)
if ($days > 0)
$str .= $days . ' ' . $CI->lang->line((($days > 1) ? 'date_days' : 'date_day')) . ', ';
if (++$current_deep == $deep)
return substr(trim($str), 0, -1);
$seconds -= $days * 86400;
$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
if ($days > 0 OR $hours > 0)
if ($hours > 0)
$str .= $hours . ' ' . $CI->lang->line((($hours > 1) ? 'date_hours' : 'date_hour')) . ', ';
if (++$current_deep == $deep)
return substr(trim($str), 0, -1);
$seconds -= $hours * 3600;
$minutes = floor($seconds / 60);
if ($days > 0 OR $hours > 0 OR $minutes > 0)
if ($minutes > 0)
$str .= $minutes . ' ' . $CI->lang->line((($minutes > 1) ? 'date_minutes' : 'date_minute')) . ', ';
if (++$current_deep == $deep)
return substr(trim($str), 0, -1);
$seconds -= $minutes * 60;
if ($str == '')
$str .= $seconds . ' ' . $CI->lang->line((($seconds > 1) ? 'date_seconds' : 'date_second')) . ', ';
return substr(trim($str), 0, -1);