我们使用Eclipse + Maven插件从Nexus获取库,这很好.而且我们还将内部库放在Nexus上.
We use Eclipse + Maven plugin to get library from Nexus, it's good.And we also put our internal library on Nexus.
When we release a new version of a library to Nexus, we want to let old version to be "deprecated", is it possible? For example, when use use Eclipse's Maven plugin, he choose the old version and Eclipse shows "it's deprecated".
Because some old systems still need the old version, we cannot remove it from Nexus directly. But we don't want new systems to use old version.
您可以通过 maven-enforcer-plugin 阻止使用旧版本,但只能通过必须由所有新项目使用的公司pom来使用.
You can add a rule via the maven-enforcer-plugin to prevent using older version but only via a company pom which has to be used by all new projects.