Is there anyway that Nexus can be used as the artifact manager for the build output of a .NET application?
I very much understand Nexus can an excellent nuget proxy and internal artifact manager, however I need Nexus to operate a bit more downstream from those libaries and store the output of a TeamCity build.
我已经研究过使用REST API上传zip文件(比如说MVC网站),但这看起来并不太可持续.有什么想法吗?
I have looked into using the REST API to upload a zip file (of say an MVC website) but that doesn't look super sustainable. Any thoughts out there?
Nexus supports hosted NuGet repositories that can be the deployment target of your nuget package you author internally. So you can sort of run an internal Nuget repo. Check out the documentation for NuGet with Nexus for more details on how to do the deployment.
部署软件包必须针对托管的存储库并使用身份验证.有关详细信息,请访问 http://books.sonatype.com/nexus- book/reference/nuget-deploying_packages_to_nuget_hosted_repositories.html
Deploying a package would have to target a hosted repository and use authentication. Details can be found at http://books.sonatype.com/nexus-book/reference/nuget-deploying_packages_to_nuget_hosted_repositories.html
And if you do not want to use a nuget repository to store the build output, you could also e.g. upload a zip file to a Maven repository on the same server.
一旦您的构建输出位于Nexus(Maven或nuget)中的存储库中,您可以使用例如带有curl的普通HTTP GET调用或您想要将安装zip等下载到部署服务器上的任何其他内容,然后将其安装在部署服务器上.
Once your build output is in a repository in Nexus (Maven or nuget) you can use e.g. plain HTTP GET calls with curl or anything else you want to download the install zip or so onto the deployment server and then install it there.