我正在尝试在具有OpenJDK 7的Ubuntu 12.04上使用2.6.3构建新的Nexus服务器.
I'm attempting to build a new Nexus server using 2.6.3 on Ubuntu 12.04 with OpenJDK 7.
I have an empty repository running on port 8081, with nginx in front of it answering on port 80.
但是该应用程序不会在 http://nexus.example.net/处回答,而仅在 http://nexus.example.net/nexus/.根/发送回404.
But the app doesn't answer at http://nexus.example.net/, only at http://nexus.example.net/nexus/. The root / sends back a 404.
I thought maybe the nexus-webapp and nexus-webapp-context-path properties in nexus.properties would fix that, but when I change that it gives me a generic directory listing of the sonatype-work/nexus directory.
查看在代理后面运行Nexus ,并确保更新应用程序服务器设置.
You can keep running it in the /nexus context or not. Just adjust your proxy/reverse proxy setup in nginx.
这篇关于Nexus webapp,如何使用/代替/nexus作为基本URI的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!