Sonatype Nexus 2具有路由"功能,因此我可以将对内部工件的请求配置为仅由某些(内部)存储库提供服务.
Sonatype Nexus 2 has "routing" capabilities, so that I can configure my requests for internal artifacts to only be served by certain (internal) repositories.
我正在运行一个Nexus 3版本,但是我看不到任何实现此功能的方法.有一种叫做内容选择器"的东西可能是新的机制,但是绝对没有关于它的文档,所以我不能使用它.这是一个非常重要的安全要求.
I've got a version of Nexus 3 running but I don't see any way to implement this capability. There is something called "content selectors" which might be the new mechanism, but there is absolutely no documentation of it, so I can't use it. This is a pretty important security requirement.
我错过了什么吗?如何在Nexus 3中路由请求?
Am I missing something? How do I route requests in Nexus 3?
Nexus 3.17退出了.它是第一个支持路由规则的版本.它们的工作方式与Nexus 2.X不同,但满足了相同的需求.现在,事物以规则为中心,而不是以回购为中心.我发现Nexus 3方法更容易理解.
Nexus 3.17 is out. It is the first version to support routing rules. They work differently than in Nexus 2.X, but meet the same need. Things are now rule centered instead of repo centered. I found the Nexus 3 approach to be easier to understand.
This documentation page shows the new routing rules.
- 内容选择器:关系内的特权.如果要限制用户使用某些路径,则很有用
- 路由规则:向哪个存储库查询什么模式.如果您只想从某些存储库中查找某些路径,则很有用.
这篇关于如何在Nexus OSS 3中配置路由的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!