

我有一个很大的字符串(我们说的是 1696108 个字符的长度),我从文本文件中快速读取了它.当我将它添加到我的文本框 (C#) 时,需要很长时间才能完成.像 Notepad++(非托管代码,我知道)这样的程序几乎可以立即完成,尽管 Notepad 也需要很长时间.我怎样才能有效地添加这个巨大的字符串,以及像 Notepad++ 这样的东西是如何做到这么快的?

I have a massive string (we are talking 1696108 characters in length) which I have read very quickly from a text file. When I add it to my textbox (C#), it takes ages to do. A program like Notepad++ (unmanaged code, I know) can do it almost instantly although Notepad takes a long time also. How can I efficiently add this huge string and how does something like Notepad++ do it so quickly?


记事本和窗口 TextBox 类针对 64K 文本进行了优化.你应该使用 RichTextBox

Notepad and Window TextBox class is optimized for 64K text. You should use RichTextBox


11-01 08:14