本文介绍了通过程序在Notepad ++中打开Python文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在Notepad ++中复制IDLE的alt + m命令(在sys路径中打开一个模块).我喜欢Notepad ++进行编辑(而不是IDLE),但这是我找不到的一项功能.

I am trying to replicate IDLE's alt + m command (open a module in the sys path) in Notepad++. I like Notepad++ for editing (rather than IDLE), but this is one feature I cannot find.

当按下alt+m时,我希望它运行一个程序来请求一个模块(这很简单,所以我可以这样做).我的问题是找到模块,然后在Notepad ++中打开它,而不仅仅是运行程序.另外,我希望它在Notepad ++的同一实例(同一窗口)中打开,而不是新实例.

When alt+m is pressed, I want it to run a program that asks for a module (that's fairly straightforward, so I can do that). My problem is finding the module and then opening it in Notepad++, not simply running the program. In addition, I want it to open in the same instance (same window) in Notepad++, not a new instance.


import os
f = r"D:\my_stuff\Google Drive\Modules\nums.py"
os.startfile(f, 'notepad++.exe')


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File '_filePath_', line 3, in <module>
    os.startfile(f, 'notepad++.exe')
OSError: [WinError 1155] No application is associated with the specified file for this operation: 'D:\\my_stuff\\Google Drive\\Modules\\nums.py'


另外,给定一个字符串,例如'nums.py',我如何找到它的完整路径?它将位于以下两个文件夹之一:'D:\\my_stuff\\Google Drive\\Modules''C:\\Python27\Lib'(也可以位于'Lib'文件夹的各个子文件夹中).或者,我可以简单地做:

Also, given a string, such as 'nums.py', how can I find the full path of it? It's going to be in one of two folders: 'D:\\my_stuff\\Google Drive\\Modules' or 'C:\\Python27\Lib' (it could also be in various subfolders in the 'Lib' folder). Alternatively, I could simply do:

    fullPath = r'D:\\my_stuff\\Google Drive\\Modules\\' + f
    # method of opening file in Notepad++
except (IOError, FileNotFoundError):
    fullPath = r'C:\\Python27\\Lib\\' + f
    # open in Notepad++


This doesn't account for subfolders and seems rather clunky. Thanks!


如果将使用记事本++与您的.py文件进行关联,则os.startfile(f, 'notepad++.exe')将为您工作(请参见 ftype ).

If your .py files will be associated w/ notepad++ the os.startfile(f, 'notepad++.exe') will work for you (see ftype).


Unless, you would like to create this association , the following code will open notepad ++ for you:

import subprocess
subprocess.call([r"c:\Program ...Notepad++.exe", r"D:\my_stuff\Google Drive\Modules\nums.py"])

参考: subprocess.call()

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10-29 01:54