有人知道如何更改此行为吗?在Mac中不太习惯.解决方案 Notepad ++> nppexec>关注$(当前目录)Using windows for the first time in quite awhile and have picked up notepad++ and am using the nppexec plugin to run python scripts. However, I noticed that notepad++ doesn't pick up the directory that my script is saved in. For example, I place "script.py" in 'My Documents' however os.getcwd() prints "Program Files \ Notepad++"Does anyone know how to change this behavior? Not exactly used to it in Mac. 解决方案 Notepad++ >nppexec >follow $(current directory) 这篇关于使NppExec了解Notepad ++中当前文件的路径(适用于Python脚本)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-27 03:43