本文介绍了媒体查询CSS和Notepad ++兼容性问题?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我将Notepad ++和CSS一起用于HTML.我输入

I am using Notepad++ with my CSS for HTML. I type in

@media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {}

,在notepad ++中,它的颜色不是这里所用的颜色,对此我感到有些担忧.如果您需要图片来了解我的意思,请按以下步骤操作:

and in notepad++ it is not color coded like it is on here, which I find kind of worrying.If you need a picture to see what I mean, here you go:

这些类是用颜色编码的,但是@media不是.这与NP ++不兼容吗?还是我做错了?

The classes are color coded, but @media is not. Is this some incompatibility with NP++? or am I doing it wrong?


您的代码不正确.只是Notepad ++无法识别媒体查询.但是,这并不意味着您的代码将无法在浏览器/设备上运行.

You code is not incorrect. It's just that Notepad++ doesn't recognize media queries. But, that doesn't mean your code won't work on browsers/devices.


Don't worry about the color highlighting. You are doing it right.


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10-24 21:59