我刚刚在Windows 10上安装了VS 2017 on OS build 15063.138。 我用一行ZAML代码创建了一个简单的通用应用程序。 我用C#语言。
I just installed VS 2017 on Windows 10 on OS build 15063.138. I made a simple Universal app with one line of ZAML code. I used C# for the language.
我收到"无法激活Windows应用商店应用..."应用无法启动"在调试模式下从VS 2017启动应用程序时出错。 我从VS 2017启动发布模式时没有收到错误。
I get the "Unable to activate Windows Store app... 'The app didn't start" error when launching the app from VS 2017 in debug mode. I do not get the error with I launch the release mode from VS 2017.
是否需要更改调试设置以使调试器在VS 2017中运行?
Is there a debug setting I need to change to get the debugger to run in VS 2017?
Is there a system policy that is preventing the debugger to launch?
Is there something else I should try?
Ted Kyle
Whether all UWP apps have the same issue in debugging mode or just the specific one?
For example, just create a simple UWP app, and then debug it, how about the result?
(1) Whether it just has one UWP app in your solution? Please check that whether it is related to the wrong Solution/Project Platform.
(2) Please also save the project in the default VS project folder in C drive, and then test it again.
(3) Please also delete the bin or obj file in your project folder, and then re-open the project, clean and rebuild the project, debug it again.