


I understand how post-incrementing and pre-incrementing in Java works, and I've read countless other threads/questions from other people regarding this same topic. BUT! I have yet to learn WHY post-incrementing has higher precedence than pre-incrementing in Java.



To my knowledge, post-incrementing having higher or lower precedence than pre-incrementing will not affect your programs' results since there aren't other unary operators that could interfere with post/pre-incrementing. Furthermore, ++ isn't a binary operator, so it's not like it interferes with +, -, *, / and %. So therefore.. WHY? WHY does post-incrementing have higher precedence than pre-incrementing?


My motivation is this: Java's been made so that post-incrementing has a higher precedence than pre-incrementing and I haven't yet seen any example where the result differs depending on these rules. So I don't understand why post/pre-incrementing doesn't have the same level of precedence

如果有人能启发我,我将非常高兴! :)

I'd be very happy if anyone could enlighten me! :)

这是一个声明Java优先级规则/级别的官方网站: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/operators.html

Here's one official site that states precedence rules/levels in Java: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/operators.html



You would need to ask the Java designers to know why they made that design call.


But I expect that it is one or both of the following:

  • 这只是为了与C和C ++保持一致.
  • 这是因为JLS没有直接指定运算符优先级.相反,它是从指定语法的方式出现的.正如 JLS 15.2 所述:

换句话说,决定操作符(等)优先级的是Java形式语法的结构,而不是某些优先级表. Java语法反映了规范文档的结构.

In other words, it is the structure of the Java formal grammar that determines operator (etc) precedence, not some precedence table. And the Java grammar mirrors the structure of the specification document.

您在Question中链接到的官方站点"实际上是Oracle Java教程的一部分.它是次要来源. JLS优先.

The "official site" you link to in your Question is actually part of the Oracle Java Tutorial. It is a secondary source. The JLS takes precedence.


  • C++ - Why does postfix operator++ have higher precedence than prefix operator++?
  • C# - Why does x++ have higher precedence than ++x?
  • Wikipedia page on C/C++ Operators.


Here is an example where the operator precedence would make an observable difference:

 public static volatile a = 42;

 public void busywork() {
    while (true) {
       ++aa--;   // ... assuming this was valid Java code ....

现在创建2个线程,一个线程调用busywork,第二个线程采样a的值.您应该能够观察到a的不同值集,具体取决于相对的运算符优先级.即{41, 42}使用当前规则.如果发布和预递增和递减的优先级相同,那么无论您看到的是{41, 42}还是{42, 43},它都是特定于编译器的.

Now create 2 threads, one to call busywork, and the second to sample the values of a. You should be able to observe different sets of values for a, depending on the relative operator precedence; i.e. {41, 42} with the current rules. If the precedence was the same for post and pre-increment and decrement, then it would be compiler specific whether you saw {41, 42} or {42, 43}.


(And of course, having two valid parse trees is going to make life more complicated for the compiler specification and the compiler implementors.)

最后,上面的示例中的++aa--无效是不重要的,而与优先级无关.递增/递减运算符需要一个<lvalue>并计算一个<rvalue>,并且您不能使上述表达式适合 any 排序或优先级的那些约束.

Finally, it is worth nothing that ++aa-- in the example above is invalid irrespective of the precedence. The increment / decrement operators require an <lvalue> and evaluate an <rvalue>, and you can't make the above expression fit those constraints for any ordering or precedence.


Therefore the fact that prefix and postfix forms are described as having different precedence makes no practical difference to programmers.


05-30 05:24