





使用(SqlConnection的康恩= ConnectToDB())
    // Q1:是连接自动交易征? (是?)
    // Q2:如果我打开(和运行命令)现在是第二个连接,
    // Q3:请问本次连接的自动入伍
    //升级为分布式事务? (是?)


SqlConnection的new_or_existing_connection = ConnectToDB(); //或传递的方法参数
    // Q4:如果我开始在连接上执行命令,现在,
    //将自动成为登记在当前事务的范围? (没有?)
    // Q5:如果没有登记,将命令我现在的连接上执行
    //参与环境事务? (没有?)
    // Q6:如果此连接命令
    //即使回滚当前事务范围有多大? (是?)
    // Q7:请问上述方法明确地争取pre-现有连接
    //环境事务? (是?)
    // Q8:如果现有的连接已登记在一个事务中
    //当我打电话给上面的方法,会发生什么?可能的错误被抛出? (大概?)
    // Q9:如果现有的连接已登记在一个事务中
    //当前事务的范围。 (是?)



Q1。是,除非争取= FALSE在连接字符串中指定。连接池找到一个可用连接。一个可用的连接是一个不是在多数民众赞成登记在同一交易的交易或者一个登记。


Q3。是,它就会升级为分布式事务,所以争取多个连接,即使采用相同的连接字符串,使其成为分布式事务,它可以通过检查确认对于一个非空GUID的Transaction.Current.TransactionInformation.DistributedIdentifier。*更新:我读的地方,这是固定在SQL Server 2008中,这样MSDTC不使用时,相同的连接字符串使用两个连接(只要两个连接不上同时打开)。这可以让你打开一个连接和交易,这可以通过打开连接尽可能晚,一旦关闭它们尽可能更好地利用连接池之内关闭它多次。





Q8。的错误可能会被抛出。如果TransactionScopeOption.Required使用,并连接已登记在事务范围内的事务,那么就没有错误;其实,还有的范围内创建没有新的交易,交易数量(@@ TRANCOUNT)不会增加。但是,如果你使用TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew,那么你在试图争取在新的事务范围事务的连接得到一个有用的错误消息:连接目前拥有事务中登记完成当前的事务,然后重试。是的,如果你完成连接已登记在交易,你可以放心地登记在一个新的事务中的连接。更新:如果您$连接,当您试图在一个新的事务范围的事务,以谋求一个稍微不同的错误被抛出页上$ pviously所谓的BeginTransaction:可以在事务无法登记,因为本地事务正在进行的连接。完成本地事务和重试。在另一方面,你可以安全地调用的BeginTransaction上的SqlConnection而其在交易范围内事务中登记,并且将实际增加@@ TRANCOUNT接一个,使用不同的嵌套事务范围所需的选项,这不会导致它增加。有趣的是,如果你之后再去创建所需的选项另一个嵌套事务范围,你就不会得到一个错误,因为没有什么变化已经产生了积极的事务范围的事务(还记得@@ TRANCOUNT的结果不增加当一个事务范围交易已经生效,使用所需的选项)。


What does it mean for an SqlConnection to be "enlisted" in a transaction? Does it simply mean that commands I execute on the connection will participate in the transaction?

If so, under what circumstances is an SqlConnection automatically enlisted in an ambient TransactionScope Transaction?

See questions in code comments. My guess to each question's answer follows each question in parenthesis.

Scenario 1: Opening connections INSIDE a transaction scope

using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
using (SqlConnection conn = ConnectToDB())
    // Q1: Is connection automatically enlisted in transaction? (Yes?)
    // Q2: If I open (and run commands on) a second connection now,
    // with an identical connection string,
    // what, if any, is the relationship of this second connection to the first?
    // Q3: Will this second connection's automatic enlistment
    // in the current transaction scope cause the transaction to be
    // escalated to a distributed transaction? (Yes?)

Scenario 2: Using connections INSIDE a transaction scope that were opened OUTSIDE of it

//Assume no ambient transaction active now
SqlConnection new_or_existing_connection = ConnectToDB(); //or passed in as method parameter
using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
    // Connection was opened before transaction scope was created
    // Q4: If I start executing commands on the connection now,
    // will it automatically become enlisted in the current transaction scope? (No?)
    // Q5: If not enlisted, will commands I execute on the connection now
    // participate in the ambient transaction? (No?)
    // Q6: If commands on this connection are
    // not participating in the current transaction, will they be committed
    // even if rollback the current transaction scope? (Yes?)
    // If my thoughts are correct, all of the above is disturbing,
    // because it would look like I'm executing commands
    // in a transaction scope, when in fact I'm not at all,
    // until I do the following...
    // Now enlisting existing connection in current transaction
    conn.EnlistTransaction( Transaction.Current );
    // Q7: Does the above method explicitly enlist the pre-existing connection
    // in the current ambient transaction, so that commands I
    // execute on the connection now participate in the
    // ambient transaction? (Yes?)
    // Q8: If the existing connection was already enlisted in a transaction
    // when I called the above method, what would happen?  Might an error be thrown? (Probably?)
    // Q9: If the existing connection was already enlisted in a transaction
    // and I did NOT call the above method to enlist it, would any commands
    // I execute on it participate in it's existing transaction rather than
    // the current transaction scope. (Yes?)

I've done some tests since asking this question and found most if not all answers on my own, since no one else replied. Please let me know if I've missed anything.

Q1. Yes, unless "enlist=false" is specified in the connection string. The connection pool finds a usable connection. A usable connection is one that's not enlisted in a transaction or one that's enlisted in the same transaction.

Q2. The second connection is an independent connection, which participates in the same transaction. I'm not sure about the interaction of commands on these two connections, since they're running against the same database, but I think errors can occur if commands are issued on both at the same time: errors like "Transaction context in use by another session"

Q3. Yes, it gets escalated to a distributed transaction, so enlisting more than one connection, even with the same connection string, causes it to become a distributed transaction, which can be confirmed by checking for a non-null GUID at Transaction.Current.TransactionInformation.DistributedIdentifier.*Update: I read somewhere that this is fixed in SQL Server 2008, so that MSDTC is not used when the same connection string is used for both connections (as long as both connections are not open at the same time). That allows you to open a connection and close it multiple times within a transaction, which could make better use of the connection pool by opening connections as late as possible and closing them as soon as possible.

Q4. No. A connection opened when no transaction scope was active, will not be automatically enlisted in a newly created transaction scope.

Q5. No. Unless you open a connection in the transaction scope, or enlist an existing connection in the scope, there basically is NO TRANSACTION. Your connection must be automatically or manually enlisted in the transaction scope in order for your commands to participate in the transaction.

Q6. Yes, commands on a connection not participating in a transaction are committed as issued, even though the code happens to have executed in a transaction scope block that got rolled back. If the connection is not enlisted in the current transaction scope, it's not participating in the transaction, so committing or rolling back the transaction will have no effect on commands issued on a connection not enlisted in the transaction scope... as this guy found out. That's a very hard one to spot unless you understand the automatic enlistment process: it occurs only when a connection is opened inside an active transaction scope.

Q7. Yes. An existing connection can be explicitly enlisted in the current transaction scope by calling EnlistTransaction( Transaction.Current ). You can also enlist a connection on a separate thread in the transaction by using a DependentTransaction, but like before, I'm not sure how two connections involved in the same transaction against the same database may interact... and errors may occur, and of course the second enlisted connection causes the transaction to escalate to a distributed transaction.

Q8. An error may be thrown. If TransactionScopeOption.Required was used, and the connection was already enlisted in a transaction scope transaction, then there is no error; in fact, there's no new transaction created for the scope, and the transaction count (@@trancount) does not increase. If, however, you use TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, then you get a helpful error message upon attempting to enlist the connection in the new transaction scope transaction: "Connection currently has transaction enlisted. Finish current transaction and retry." And yes, if you complete the transaction the connection is enlisted in, you can safely enlist the connection in a new transaction.Update: If you previously called BeginTransaction on the connection, a slightly different error is thrown when you try to enlist in a new transaction scope transaction: "Cannot enlist in the transaction because a local transaction is in progress on the connection. Finish local transaction and retry." On the other hand, you can safely call BeginTransaction on the SqlConnection while its enlisted in a transaction scope transaction, and that will actually increase @@trancount by one, unlike using the Required option of a nested transaction scope, which does not cause it to increase. Interestingly, if you then go on to create another nested transaction scope with the Required option, you will not get an error, because nothing changes as a result of already having an active transaction scope transaction (remember @@trancount is not increased when a transaction scope transaction is already active and the Required option is used).

Q9. Yes. Commands participate in whatever transaction the connection is enlisted in, regardless of what the active transaction scope is in the C# code.


09-13 23:42