我想简介我的JNI应用程序。有没有像自启动以来得到滴答,我可以用它来衡量功能和/或系统?任何以毫秒会做的1/10 precision。
I'm trying to profile my JNI application. Is there something like "Get ticks since startup" that I can use to measure functions and/or systems? Anything with the precision of 1/10 of a millisecond will do.
Obviously, a fully native function would be nicer, I'd prefer not to call a Java function for every single thing I'm trying to profile, but if that's the only option, I'll take that too.
clock_gettime()。你会看到样品code在Android的NDK-R5B /样本/你好氖/ JNI / helloneon.c和android-NDK-R5B /样本/原生浆/ JNI / plasma.c。
clock_gettime(). You'll see sample code in android-ndk-r5b/samples/hello-neon/jni/helloneon.c and android-ndk-r5b/samples/native-plasma/jni/plasma.c.
You want to look for something like CLOCK_MONOTONIC to make sure you're getting ticks since startup, not the wall clock.