

我在这里托管了一个cpanel accelerated 2面板我可以手动创建一个子域但是有一种方法可以创建一个带有php脚本的子域,所以他们输入他们喜欢的子域然后点击提交它会创建一个他们的子域名。谢谢。


I have hosting with a cpanel accelerated 2 panel here I can manually create a sub domain but is there a way to create a sub domain with a php script so they input the sub domain they like then click submit and it will create a sub domain for them. Thank you.

What I want is to create subdomains in cpanel using the API in php. Just like mnoj.xitzone.com, web.xitzone.cob or mnoj.xitzone.com. I have been searching since three days but haven't found anything useful or maybe I don't understand the answers that I got. Can someone give me a working example with a little bit of explanation so that I can create sub domains dynamically. Or if any one has this working then can you please send me the code.



10-13 21:44