


!heap -s给出以下输出

          Heap     Flags   Reserv  Commit  Virt   Free  List   UCR  Virt  Lock  Fast
                            (k)     (k)    (k)     (k) length      blocks cont. heap
00000023d62c0000 08000002 1182680 1169996 1181900  15759  2769    78    3   2b63   LFH
00000023d4830000 08008000      64      4     64      2     1     1    0      0
00000023d6290000 08001002    1860    404   1080     43     7     2    0      0   LFH
00000023d6dd0000 08001002   32828  32768  32828  32765    33     1    0      0
    External fragmentation  99 % (33 free blocks)
00000023d8fb0000 08001000   16384   2420  16384   2412     5     5    0   3355
    External fragmentation  99 % (5 free blocks)
00000023da780000 08001002      60      8     60      5     2     1    0      0

这表明地址为00000023d62c0000的堆具有超过1 GB的保留内存.

This shows that the heap with address 00000023d62c0000 has over a gigabyte of reserved memory.

接下来我运行命令!heap -stat -h 00000023d62c0000

 heap @ 00000023d62c0000
group-by: TOTSIZE max-display: 20
    size     #blocks     total     ( %) (percent of total busy bytes)
    30 19b1 - 4d130  (13.81)
    20 1d72 - 3ae40  (10.55)
    ccf 40 - 333c0  (9.18)
    478 8c - 271a0  (7.01)
    27158 1 - 27158  (7.00)
    40 80f - 203c0  (5.78)
    410 79 - 1eb90  (5.50)
    68 43a - 1b790  (4.92)
    16000 1 - 16000  (3.94)
    50 39e - 12160  (3.24)
    11000 1 - 11000  (3.05)
    308 54 - fea0  (2.85)
    60 28e - f540  (2.75)
    8018 1 - 8018  (1.43)
    80 f2 - 7900  (1.36)
    1000 5 - 5000  (0.90)
    70 ac - 4b40  (0.84)
    4048 1 - 4048  (0.72)
    100 3e - 3e00  (0.69)
    48 c9 - 3888  (0.63)

如果我通过上述命令(4d130 + 3ae40 + ...)将堆块的总大小相加,则会得到几兆字节的已分配内存.

If I add up the total size of the heap blocks from the above command (4d130 + 3ae40 + ...) I get a few megabytes of allocated memory.


Am I missing something here? How can I find which blocks are consuming the gigabyte of allocated heap memory?


我认为!heap –stat对于64位转储(至少是大转储)已损坏.我改用debugdiag 1.2搜索64位内存泄漏.

I believe that the !heap –stat is broken for 64 bits dumps, at least big one. I have instead used debugdiag 1.2 for hunting memory leaks on 64 bits.


08-27 06:34