我已经将头撞在墙上一个多小时了,我不明白为什么下面的方法不起作用.如果我将 b:db 1
更改为 b:db 0
I've been bashing my head against the wall for over an hour and I can't understand why the below doesn't work.If I change b: db 1
to b: db 0
then it should print 10, otherwise it should print 0. Instead, the program always prints 10.
I've been writing a project that writes assembly and this is one of the unit test that fails and I just don't get it. It has to be something simple.
extern printf, exit
section .bss
section .data
b: db 1
x: dd 5
y: dd 5
z: dd 0
int_pattern: db "%i", 10, 0
global main
section .text
mov eax, dword [b]
cmp eax, dword 0
je condition_end4
; add x and y
; store into z
mov eax, dword [rel x]
add eax, dword [rel y]
mov [rel z], eax
; rsi = &z
; rdi = &int_pattern
mov rsi, qword [z]
mov rdi, int_pattern
; not using vector registers
xor rax, rax
; printf(int_pattern, z);
call printf
我正在将Debian Linux和NASM一起使用.组装/链接
I'm using Debian Linux with NASM. Assembling/linking with
nasm -f elf64 -o test.o test.asm
gcc test.o -o test.bin
即使 b
为0,GDB也会显示 cmp
Even when b
is 0, GDB shows that the cmp
unsets ZF so I'm at a loss here.
您已将 b 声明为一个字节:
You've declared b as a byte:
b: db 1
but you load it as a dword:
mov eax, dword [b]
This explains why the zero flag is unset even when b is 0: because it's loading the next 3 bytes as well.
b: dd 1
或者,您可以加载扩展名为零的字节: movzx eax,字节[b]
Alternatively, you could load a byte with zero extension: movzx eax, byte [b]
类似地,您从 z
加载了一个qword,但仅将其定义为 dd
Similarly, you load a qword from z
but you only defined it as a dd
dword. See Which variable size to use (db, dw, dd) with x86 assembly?
此外,使用 default rel
,以便所有寻址模式都选择相对于RIP的寻址,而不必到处都说 [rel b]
Also, use default rel
so all addressing modes pick RIP-relative addressing without having to say [rel b]
这篇关于从"db 0"加载寄存器.不会将0加载到EAX中?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!