我有一个监听 Twilio POST 的 webHook 接收器.场景:SMS 消息发送到我的 Twilio 号码,Twilio 向 webHook 接收器发送 POST,webHook 处理请求(按预期工作),最后 WebHook 返回响应对象 Twilio.TwiML.MessagingResponse.问题是我在 Twilio 调试器中收到一条警告,消息为序言中不允许使用内容".警告显示在请求检查器的请求部分,但不知道该怎么做.错误/警告信息截图
I have a webHook receiver that listens to Twilio POST. Scenario: SMS message is sent to my Twilio number, Twilio does POST to the webHook receiver, webHook processes the request (works as expected) and finally WebHook returns back a response object Twilio.TwiML.MessagingResponse. The problem is I'm receiving a warning in the Twilio Debugger with message "Content is not allowed in prolog." The warning shows in the REQUEST section of the Request Inspector and didn't know what to do about it.screenshot of error/warn message
感谢大家对此进行调查.@marcos-placona 在 here 中的回答让我重新审视了 webHook 返回类型.果然返回类型需要是 TwiML 格式的 XML.这导致了重载 ToString() 扩展方法的发现.
Thanks all for looking into this. Answer by @marcos-placona in here made me revisit the webHook return type. Sure enough the return type needs to be a TwiML formatted XML. That led to the discovery of the overloaded ToString() extension method.
公共字符串 ToString([System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions 格式选项 = System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions.None])Twilio.TwiML.TwiML 成员
public string ToString([System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions formattingOptions = System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions.None]) Member of Twilio.TwiML.TwiML
总结:从 TwiML 对象生成 XML 字符串
Summary:Generate XML string from TwiML object
Parameters:formattingOptions: Change generated string format.
要使其正常工作,需要引用 [System.Xml.Linq].
for this to work, [System.Xml.Linq] needs to be referenced.
using Twilio.TwiML;
var twilioResponse = new MessagingResponse();
var message = new Twilio.TwiML.Messaging.Message("Thanks for your response.");
return twilioResponse.ToString();
Hope this helps someone.
这篇关于Twilio 错误 - 12200 - 架构验证警告 - 序言中不允许内容的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!