

这在Asterisk中运行良好-我正在以root用户身份在Centos 7上使用Asterisk 13.22.0进行测试(已经-如下所示):

This was working fine in Asterisk - I'm testing with Asterisk 13.22.0 on Centos 7 running as root (already - as you'll see below):

same=>n,System(/usr/src/bash/setData.sh ${CHANNEL(accountcode)})


[root@localhost bash]# ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1493 Jan 20  2016 setData.sh 
[root@localhost bash]# pwd 
[root@localhost bash]#

我已经升级到Asterisk 13,而Asterisk现在无法执行setData.sh脚本:

I've upgraded to Asterisk 13, and Asterisk is now incapable of executing the setData.sh script:

[Jul 25 10:33:21] WARNING[30982][C-00000238] app_system.c: Unable to execute '/usr/src/bash/setData.sh'


I've looked at numerous posts about this, but none are applicable or end blind with no solution.


I've tried running asterisk as root, no luck - see above.


I've set permissions on the script to executable by everybody, not working.


I've changed the dialplan code to

same=>n,System(/bin/bash /usr/src/bash/setData.sh ${CHANNEL(accountcode)})


我还尝试了在Centos 7中完全禁用/禁用SELinux-无效,错误仍然存​​在.

I've also tried completely disabling / deactivating SELinux in Centos 7 - no effect, error persists.


If you run the script from the shell / xterm, it works correctly.

如何像以前的Asterisk版本(例如1.6和1.8)一样,使Asterisk 13通过System()拨号计划应用程序执行简单的BASH脚本?

How does one get Asterisk 13 to execute a simple BASH script via the System() dialplan application as worked in previous Asterisk versions such as 1.6 and 1.8?





事实证明,问题是我试图通过拨号计划中的SYSTEM()和SHELL()调用传递的参数之一包含换行符(\ n或十六进制0x0a).

Turns out that the problem is that one of the parameters I tried to pass through the SYSTEM() and SHELL() calls in my dialplan, contained a linefeed character (\n, or hex 0x0a).

在Asterisk 13.22.0中,似乎在对SYSTEM()或SHELL()的调用中,当换行(\ n)字符为命中.

It appears that in Asterisk 13.22.0, in a call to SYSTEM() or SHELL(), parsing and evaluation of Asterisk channel variables passed into SYSTEM() or SHELL() STOPS when a linefeed (\n) character is hit.

一旦我清理了变量(删除了\ n一个包含的变量,该变量源自我正在生成的UUID),并且所有传递给SYSTEM()拨号计划应用程序的变量的内容都是干净的"-没有任何\ n字符- SYSTEM()拨号计划应用程序开始正常运行,并按预期使用带有Asterisk通道变量值的参数调用我的BASH脚本.

Once I cleaned up the variables (removing the \n one variable contained, originated from a UUID I was generating) and all variables' contents passed to the SYSTEM() dialplan application were "clean" - without any \n characters - the SYSTEM() dialplan application started functioning normally and started calling my BASH script with paramters with Asterisk channel variable values, as intended.


No changes to my dialplan, but in a bash script I was running to get the UUID (via a CURL to a Java application) I had this:

echo $uuid


echo -n $uuid

完成这一刻并将没有尾随换行符的UUID馈入我在Asterisk 13.22.0上的拨号计划中的SYSTEM(),SYSTEM()开始工作,一切正常.

The moment that was done and the UUID without the trailing linefeed was fed to SYSTEM() in my dialplan on Asterisk 13.22.0, SYSTEM() started working and everything was functional.


09-21 05:29