我可以在 Android 4.4 Kitkat 上不使用默认短信应用发送短信吗?
Can I send SMS using no default SMS app on Android 4.4 Kitkat?
It means, Can I send SMS without ability to write to SMS Provider?
我在 Android 4.4 Kitkat 上对此感到困惑.
I confused about that on Android 4.4 Kitkat.
I wonder I can just send SMS using non default SMS app or not.
You can send SMS even if your app isn't the default SMS app.
但是,您将无法使用 SMS 提供商.
However, you won't be able to use the SMS provider.
That's the whole point of the new version - to make it clear to the user which app is allowed to use special SMS operations and have only one default app for this.
看看这段文字(摘自android 开发者博客) :
look at this text (taken from android developer blog) :
考虑到一些应用程序不想作为默认短信应用但仍想发送消息,任何具有SEND_SMS 权限仍然可以使用短信管理器.当且仅当没有选择应用程序作为默认短信Android 4.4上的app,系统自动写入发送的短信向 SMS 提供商发送消息(默认的 SMS 应用程序始终是负责将其发送的消息写入 SMS 提供商).
so, in short, if all you need is to send and receive SMS, you can still do it.
however, some operations require that you will have your app as the default SMS app.
这篇关于在 Android 4.4 上使用非默认 SMS 应用程序发送 SMS 消息的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!