


<!-- Data SMS Receiver -->
    <receiver android:name=".otp.OTPReceiver" android:enabled="true" android:exported="true" >
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.DATA_SMS_RECEIVED" />

            <data android:scheme="sms" />
            <data android:port="9027" />

otp.OTPReceiver 是关联的 BroadcastReceiver这适用于除 Redmi 设备以外的所有其他手机.在 Redmi 手机中,您必须手动打开自动启动和权限应用中的其他权限(此应用处理 Redmi 手机中的权限).安装时我会看到 Facebook、whatsapp 等,询问权限.想知道如何做到这一点.

otp.OTPReceiver is the associated BroadcastReceiverThis works in all other phones except Redmi devices. In Redmi phones you have to manually switch on autostart & other permissions in the Permissions app (This app handles permissions in Redmi phones). I see Facebook, whatsapp, etc. when installed asking the permissions. Would like to know how this can be done.

我看到了诸如这个之类的问题&this 都在问同样的事情,但都没有得到答复.我尝试将 android:enabled="true", android:exported="true" 添加到 此处.但这些都不起作用.

I saw questions like this & this which are asking the same thing but both are unanswered. I tried adding android:enabled="true", android:exported="true" into the receiver xml snippet like mentioned in here. But none of those are working.

我正在使用 data sms(也称为 port sms).我也用普通短信验证过,红米手机也存在这个问题

I'm using data sms (also known as port sms). I verified with normal sms too and the problem exists there too on Redmi phones


经过长时间的尝试,获得了 MI SMS 许可(通过 SMS Provider).使用您的活动或片段添加此方法(内容提供程序方法).您将能够获得许可.

After Long Time of trying, Got MI SMS permission(Through SMS Provider).Add this Method (content provider method) with your activity or fragment.you will able to get permission.

private void displaySmsLog() {
    Uri allMessages = Uri.parse("content://sms/");
    //Cursor cursor = managedQuery(allMessages, null, null, null, null);  Both are same
    Cursor cursor = this.getContentResolver().query(allMessages, null,
            null, null, null);

    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < cursor.getColumnCount(); i++) {
            Log.d(cursor.getColumnName(i) + "", cursor.getString(i) + "");
        Log.d("One row finished",



Give it try , It worked for me.


07-18 06:48