I am looking to create an app that gets information about the phones connection to the cellular network.
My understanding is that RSSI is a measure of cellular signal with GSM and RSRP is a good measure for LTE.
To keep it consistent, is it possible to get a RSSI measure for LTE?
I am confused about what classes to use to get some of this information. At the moment, I am using the phone state listener which gives me a SignalStrength object. Using this object, I can call the two string method that provides me the following information when i split it. I am a little confused on what some of this means.
String ssignal = signalStrength.toString();
String[] parts = ssignal.split(" ");
The parts[] array will then contain these elements:
part[0] = "Signalstrength:" _ignore this, it's just the title_
parts[1] = GsmSignalStrength
parts[2] = GsmBitErrorRate
parts[3] = CdmaDbm
parts[4] = CdmaEcio
parts[5] = EvdoDbm
parts[6] = EvdoEcio
parts[7] = EvdoSnr
parts[8] = LteSignalStrength
parts[9] = LteRsrp
parts[10] = LteRsrq
parts[11] = LteRssnr
parts[12] = LteCqi
parts[13] = gsm|lte|cdma
parts[14] = _not really sure what this number is_
第8部分提供了什么? RSSI?
What is part 8 providing? RSSI?
Also, when you look at the signal strength in the android settings, it gives you the RSSI for GSM. When connected to LTE, is it giving us the RSRP or RSSI? It seems its providing RSRP.
My understanding is that part[1] provides the RSSI when connected on GSM. However, i am unsure, and interested about, part[2] (what is the rate measured against? what unit of time), part[8] (what does it measure exactly?), part[10] and part [11](what unit is it measured in and what is the unit range)
I understand this thread is all over the place. Hopefully it makes a little bit of sense and someone can clear something up.
简单来说,RSSI和RSRP分别是GSM和LTE的信号电平测量.它们并不完全相同,因为GSM和LTE是非常不同的技术.但是,它们都指示相同类型的信息. RSRP在GSM中没有意义,而RSSI在LTE中则有所不同.
To put it simply, RSSI and RSRP are signal level measurements for GSM and LTE, respectively. They are not exactly the same, because GSM and LTE are very different technologies. However, they both indicate the same type of information. RSRP holds no meaning in GSM and RSSI means something different in LTE.
This question may be worth reading:How to get LTE signal strength in Android?
大多数您正在寻找的东西,都可以在这里找到: https://developer.android.com/reference/packages.html
Most of what you are looking for, I was able to find here: https://developer.android.com/reference/packages.html
GsmSignalStrength -GSM信号强度,有效值为(0-31,99),如TS 27.007 8.5所定义
GsmSignalStrength - GSM Signal Strength, valid values are (0-31, 99) as defined in TS 27.007 8.5
GsmBitErrorRate -TS 27.007 8.5中定义的GSM误码率(0-7,99)
GsmBitErrorRate - GSM bit error rate (0-7, 99) as defined in TS 27.007 8.5
CdmaDbm -CDMA RSSI值(以dBm为单位)
CdmaDbm - CDMA RSSI value in dBm
CdmaEcio -CDMA Ec/Io值,以dB * 10
CdmaEcio - CDMA Ec/Io value in dB*10
EvdoDbm -EVDO RSSI值(以dBm为单位)
EvdoDbm - EVDO RSSI value in dBm
EvdoEcio -以dB * 10为单位的EVDO Ec/Io值
EvdoEcio - EVDO Ec/Io value in dB*10
EvdoSnr -信噪比.有效值为0-8. 8是最高的.
EvdoSnr - Signal to noise ratio. Valid values are 0-8. 8 is the highest.
I could not locate the following, but here is what I suspect:
LteSignalStrength -ASU中的LTE信号强度(0-31,99)
LteSignalStrength - LTE Signal Strength in ASU (0-31, 99)
LteRsrp -以dBm为单位的LTE RSRP值
LteRsrp - LTE RSRP value in dBm
LteRssnr -LTE SINR值(以dB为单位)
LteRssnr - LTE SINR value in dB
LteCqi -LTE CQI(无单位)
LteCqi - LTE CQI (no units)
gsm | lte | cdma -网络类型
这篇关于GSM RSSI和LTE RSSI和RSRP的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!