We have a requirement to run Active-Active instances of an order manager application for elasticity. Within our team, Hazelcast is the preferred distributed cache for sharing state across elastic instances.
Within the application I am using single-writer pattern along with LMAX disruptor lib. So basically I have a single busy spinning main thread which reads incoming order events from the disruptor (ring buffer) and quickly processes it without involving any blocking operation.
现在唯一的问题是,一旦我的主线程接收到一个事件,它就会首先在Hazelcast分布式映射中执行查找(以获取当前订单的状态),并且hazelcast查找相对较慢(约5个操作) 10毫秒).我想了解:
Now the only issue is that, as soon as my main thread receives an event, it first performs a lookup in a Hazelcast distributed map (to fetch current order’s state), and hazelcast lookup is relatively a slow operation (~5-10 millis). I wanted to understand:
1) if this is still an acceptable thing I.e. reading from a distributed map when using LMAX disruptor
2)加上Hazelcast调用是涉及分布式锁的线程安全线程,并且LMAX专家建议避免在主业务线程中使用线程相关的锁,以使CPU优化的代码高速缓存保持高温,这确实使Lzelcast调用成为LMAX Disruptor的反模式主处理线程?
2) plus since Hazelcast calls are thread safe involving distributed locks and LMAX guys suggest avoiding thread related locks in the main business thread so that CPU optimized code caches remain hot, does making a call to hazelcast an anti-pattern from LMAX Disruptor’s main processing thread?
Could someone add their 2 cents on this?
我会说这是不可接受的. IMap不仅会无限期地阻塞,而且还会进行网络调用.
I would say it's not acceptable, of course. IMap is not only blocking for indefinite time, it also doing network calls.
- 将IMap访问权限拆分为另一个线程并进行通信在单独的环形缓冲区中使用异步事件来处理它
- 或订阅IMap条目侦听器并将数据存储在内存中(如果合适).
- either split off the IMap access into another thread and communicatewith it using async events in separate ring buffers
- or subscribe to IMap entry listener and store data in the memory (if it fits).