



I'm attempting to integrate Chromecast into our app and I'm running into an issue with getting data from the receiver when joining an already running application.


When first launching the application i set meta date with the RemoteMediaPlayer using

 public class CastMessageStream extends RemoteMediaPlayer {
    public void setMetadata(GoogleApiClient apiClient, CastingObject castingObject, String seriesId, String description, String episodeNumber, String title) {
        JSONObject payload = _initJsonObject(COMMAND_KEY_SET_METADATA);
        try {
            payload.put(KEY_SUB_TITLE, castingObject.castingSubUrl);
            payload.put(KEY_TITLE, title);
            payload.put(KEY_SERIES_ID, seriesId);
            payload.put(KEY_EPISODE_NUMBER, episodeNumber);
            payload.put(KEY_DESCRIPTION, description);
            payload.put(KEY_VIDEO_HEADER, castingObject.description);
           sendMessage(apiClient, payload.toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {

 * Send messages to the reciever using the NAMESPACE
private final void sendMessage(GoogleApiClient apiClient, String message)
        throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException {
    Cast.CastApi.sendMessage(apiClient, NAMESPACE, message);


Code for joining the already running application

 Cast.CastApi.launchApplication(googleApiClient, APP_ID).setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Cast.ApplicationConnectionResult>() {
        public void onResult(Cast.ApplicationConnectionResult applicationConnectionResult) {
            mMessageStream = new CastMessageStream();
            MediaInfo mediaInfo =  mMessageStream.getMediaInfo();
            MediaStatus mediaStatus = mMessageStream.getMediaStatus();
            JSONObject jsonObject = mediaInfo.getCustomData(); // Returns null
            MediaMetadata metadata = mediaInfo.getMetadata(); // Returns null


How do I get custom information from the receiver. I have it working on iOS so i know its possible.


在我看来,你正在扩展 RemoteMediaPlayer 并覆盖它的 sendMessage()。实际上不建议您考虑您的任务;如果您想要使用媒体发送其他数据,则需要使用各种调用和对象中可用的 customData 字段。例如, MediaInfo 对象可以包含 customData ,您可以在其中添加这些附加字段,因此可以使用多个控制命令如 load(),play(),pause(),....如果您选择覆盖RemoteMediaPlayer的 sendMessage()那么你还需要在接收端处理附加功能。

It seems to me that you are extending the functionality of the RemoteMediaPlayer and overriding its sendMessage(). That is actually not recommended for the task that you have in mind; if you want to send additional data with your media, you need to use, for example, the customData field that is available in various calls and objects . For example, MediaInfo object can have customData and you can add these additional fields there, so can a number of control commands like load(), play(), pause(), .... If you choose to override the RemoteMediaPlayer's sendMessage() then you need to handle the additional functionality on the receiver side as well.



09-06 15:47