我有一个旧的GAE应用程序(自2011年起投入生产),因为该应用程序处于beta版本,因此该应用程序使用Cloud Storage服务.我已经将近一年没有碰过这个应用了.
I have an old GAE application (in production since 2011) that use Cloud Storage service since it is available in beta. I have not touched this apps for almost 1 year now.
我必须执行一些管理任务,并想在Cloud Storage中创建新存储桶.
I have to do some administrative task and want to create new buckets in Cloud Storage.
我已经激活-Google Cloud Console中的应用程序-在Google Cloud Console中为此应用程序结算的费用
I have activated- the application in Google Cloud Console- the billing for this application in Google Cloud Console
我看到Google Cloud Storage标签,当我单击它为空时,当我尝试创建新存储桶时,我看到错误消息:
I see the Google Cloud Storage tab, when I click on it it is empty, and when I try to create a new bucket I see the error message:
为什么我看不到我现有的存储桶? (很久以前使用旧的Web界面创建的)
Why I do not see my existing bucket? (created long time ago using the old Web interface)
如果未为您的项目打开Cloud Storage服务,则可能会发生这种情况.请执行以下操作:
This can happen when the Cloud Storage service isn't turned on for your project. Do the following:
- 访问 http://cloud.google.com/console
- 选择您的项目
- 访问API&验证标签
- 在服务列表中找到Google Cloud Storage
- 打开Google云存储
- Visit http://cloud.google.com/console
- Select your project
- Visit the APIs & Auth tab
- Find Google Cloud Storage in the list of services
- Turn on Google Cloud Storage