现在我有了最新版本的 ionic 3.0.0.我的离子版本
Now i have the latest version of ionic 3.0.0. My ionic version
: 3.0.0
global packages:
@ionic/cli-utils : 1.0.0
Ionic CLI : 3.0.0
Node : v7.3.0
OS : macOS Sierra
Xcode : Xcode 8.3.2 Build version 8E2002
ios-deploy : 1.9.0
ios-sim : 5.0.13
Now i have two question in this. I searched , but not able to get the clear. If any one can answer. It will be helpful for many new bie like me.
1.现在我有 ionic 3.0.0.然后,如果我想在 ionic v2 中打开项目.我会给`ionic start newapp blank --v2 or (--ts_)'.我将使用 ionic 3.0.0 中的一些更新插件.会不会成功.或者我需要为 ionic 版本 3 创建一个单独的项目??
1.Now i have ionic 3.0.0. Then if i want to open the project in ionic v2. i will give ` ionic start newapp blank --v2 or (--ts_)'. And i will use some updated plugin having in ionic 3.0.0. Does it will work out. or i need to create a seperate project for ionic version 3 ??
- 现在我有一个仍在进行的旧 ionic 1 项目.因此,一旦我将 ionic 更新为
- Now i have old ionic 1 project that i am still working on. So once i update my ionic to
. Now what i done is :
ionic start newapp blank --v1
然后我将旧项目 www
文件夹复制到此 newapp
ionic start newapp blank --v1
then i copied my old project www
folder to this newapp
and i replaced it.
我的问题是.我仍然可以使用 Angular js1 来为这个项目编码.而 make ionic release
意味着当我想把它放在我的应用商店中.会不会出现什么问题.因为我已经将此项目创建为 --v1
My question is. Still can i use angular js1 to code for this project also. And while make ionic release
means when i want to put it in my app store. Does any problem will occur. Because i have create this project as --v1
如果是,当我创建一个新项目时 ionic start newapp blank --v1
它询问我 将此应用程序链接到您的 Ionic Dashboard 以使用 Ionic View 等工具?y/N
: 我需要做什么
If yes when i create a new project ionic start newapp blank --v1
its asking me Link this app to your Ionic Dashboard to use tools like Ionic View? y/N
: what should i need to do
使用 ionic-cli 3.0 版,您应该能够处理所有版本的 ionic 项目.
Using the ionic-cli version 3.0 you should be able to work on all versions of ionic projects.
默认情况下,新的 cli 将创建一个 ionic v3 应用程序.如果要创建 ionic v1 应用,需要添加 --v1
.但是,如果您开始使用新应用,我强烈建议您使用 v2+.
The new cli will create an ionic v3 app by default. If you want to create an ionic v1 app, you need to add --v1
. But if you are starting with a new app, I strongly recommend going for v2+.
根据您的 ionic 应用程序的版本,您需要添加一些额外的插件:
Depending on the version your ionic app has, you need to add some additional plugins:
– Ionic Angular 项目插件,提供有用的构建工具和生成器.(离子 v2+)@ionic/cli-plugin-ionic1
– 具有从旧 CLI 移植的功能的 Ionic 1 项目插件.@ionic/cli-plugin-cordova
– Ionic/Cordova 应用程序必不可少.@ionic/cli-plugin-proxy
– 用于通过防火墙代理 CLI 请求.
– Ionic Angular project plugin that provides useful build tools and generators. (ionic v2+)@ionic/cli-plugin-ionic1
– Ionic 1 project plugin that has functionality ported from the old CLI.@ionic/cli-plugin-cordova
– Essential for an Ionic/Cordova app.@ionic/cli-plugin-proxy
– For proxying CLI requests through a firewall.
我无法告诉您是否需要将您的应用链接到仪表板.如果您使用的是 Ionic 服务(推送、查看等),那么它是有意义的.
I can't tell you if you need to link your app to the dashboard. If you are using the Ionic services (Push, View, etc), then it makes sense.
话虽如此,我在新 cli 中遇到了很多错误"或不一致的行为,因此如果某些东西不起作用,您可能需要降级.
That being said, I have experienced quite a few "bugs" or inconsistent behaviour with the new cli, so you might need to downgrade if something doesn't work.
这篇关于当我有 ionic CLI 3.0.0 时,我可以运行 ionic v1 项目吗的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!