本文介绍了Xcode 6中的约束可以动态吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!





如果View1.hidden = NO:

如果View1.hidden =是:



我不会详细介绍自动版式系统的工作方式-如果需要,请查看WWDC会话 202:iOS和OS X的自动版面设计 228 :这是2012年以来精通自动版式的最佳实践.此外,请查看 objc.io关于自动版式的精彩文章.


我们如何使用它来提供帮助?在Interface Builder(IB)中,为蓝色视图的顶部创建两个不同的约束.第一个应该将蓝色视图的顶部与红色视图的底部相关联,且距离为0点-也就是说,蓝色视图的顶部应与红色视图的底部齐平.我们将这个约束称为未隐藏"约束.




@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *unhiddenConstraint;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *hiddenConstraint;


- (void)setRedViewHidden:(BOOL)hidden {
    if (hidden) {
        self.unhiddenConstraint.priority = 450;
        self.hiddenConstraint.priority   = 950;
        self.redView.hidden = YES;
    } else {
        self.hiddenConstraint.priority   = 450;
        self.unhiddenConstraint.priority = 950;
        self.redView.hidden = NO;


这不是Auto Layout引擎的初学者使用.如果您对此解决方案还有任何疑问,请告诉我.

I'm biting the bullet and have begun using auto layout. Not as difficult to get used to than I feared. I am having trouble with this though.

Is it possible for view 2 to 'anchor' to the bottom of view 1.. UNLESS view 1 is hidden, in which case it should anchor to the top of the containing view? How would I set constraints for this?

If View1.hidden = NO:

If View1.hidden = YES:


Perhaps the easiest way to solve this issue is to manipulate constraint priorities.

I won't go into detail regarding how the Auto Layout system works – if you need that, check out WWDC sessions 202: Introduction to Auto Layout for iOS and OS X and 228: Best Practices for Mastering Auto Layout, both from 2012. Also, check out objc.io's great article on Auto Layout.

In short, constraints can be assigned priorities. A priority is represented by a floating point number in the range [0, 1000], inclusive. The special priority of 1000 means "required;" all other priorities are optional.

How can we use this to help? In Interface Builder (IB), create two different constraints for the top of your blue view. The first one should relate the top of the blue view to the bottom of the red view, with a distance of 0 points – that is, the top of the blue view should be flush with the bottom of the red view. We'll call this constraint the "unhidden" constraint.

The second constraint should go from the top of the blue view to the top of the superview, again with a distance of 0 points – that is, the top of the blue view should be flush with the top of its superview. We'll call this constraint the "hidden" constraint.

If you're following along, you've realized that it is impossible to satisfy both of these constraints simultaneously unless the red view's height is exactly equal to 0. That won't happen, though (I assume you're not resizing the red view, just hiding or unhiding it), so how can these constraints coexist? The answer lies in priorities. Make sure that, in IB, the priority of the unhidden constraint is 950 – remember, this optional, but at the high priority of 950. However, set the priority of the hidden constraint to something less than 950 – maybe 450, for example.

Next, you'll need to create outlets to these two constraints (how to do so is outside the scope of this answer – it's the same as creating outlets to anything in IB). I recommend naming them as I've named them here. So, in your header file, you might see the following:

@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *unhiddenConstraint;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *hiddenConstraint;

Now the only thing left is to alter the priorities of these constraints at the appropriate times – namely, when you hide or unhide the red view. So, in your view controller, add a method like this:

- (void)setRedViewHidden:(BOOL)hidden {
    if (hidden) {
        self.unhiddenConstraint.priority = 450;
        self.hiddenConstraint.priority   = 950;
        self.redView.hidden = YES;
    } else {
        self.hiddenConstraint.priority   = 450;
        self.unhiddenConstraint.priority = 950;
        self.redView.hidden = NO;

Then, whenever you want to hide the red view, you just call this method with the proper argument. Setting the priorities on the constraints will implicitly mark the layout as dirty, causing a new layout pass to occur on the next turn of the UI loop.

This is not a beginner use of the Auto Layout engine. Let me know if you have any lingering questions about this solution.

这篇关于Xcode 6中的约束可以动态吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 20:34