


他特别要求我不要使用Test Flight。 / p>




使用Dropbox分发Ad Hoc iOS版本:


  1. 将目标设备设置为 iOS设备,然后转到 产品 - >准备iOS App Archive存档

  2. 存档完成后,管理器窗口将打开,显示以前的所有存档(

  3. 选择最新存档并点击 分发 ,然后选择 保存企业版或特别部署 选项并单击下一步。

  4. 选择配置文件以签署.ipa文件,其中包含所有目标设备的UDID,然后单击 导出

  5. 之后签名完成后,将打开一个Finder窗口,询问保存最终.ipa文件的位置,选择要放置.ipa的 Dropbox 文件夹。在Finder窗口底部,选中 保存企业分发 选项。
    选中保存企业分发后,会出现一些文本字段,输入虚拟URL(例如)在 应用程序网址 字段和 标题 字段中的应用名称和单击保存。

  6. 转到MAC上的Dropbox文件夹,您会发现为您生成了两个文件(即.ipa和.plist)。

    6.1)右键单击.ipa文件并选择 共享Dropbox链接 ,链接将被复制到剪贴板。将其粘贴到文本编辑器中,并将 www 替换为链接中的 dl 。现在您的.ipa链接已准备就绪,这是您在上面步骤5中讨论的 应用程序网址


    6.3)右键单击.plist文件并单击 分享Dropbox Link ,将链接粘贴到某个位置并将 www 替换为 dl 。这与我们在步骤6.1中所做的相同。您的.plist链接已准备好。

  7. 创建一个.html文件,例如如下所示,保存.ipa和.plist文件的Dropbox文件夹或Dropbox文件夹中的任何其他位置。

     <!doctype html> 
    < head>
    < title> MY APP< / title>
    < / head>
    < body>
    < h1>< a href =itms-services://?action = download-manifest& amp; url = YOUR .PLIST LINK>下载我的应用< / a>< / h1> ;< br>< br>
    < / html>

使用我们在步骤6.3中准备的.plist链接替换您的.PLIST LINK 。保存html文件。

  1. 右键单击.html文件,然后点击 分享Dropbox Link ,链接到.html文件将被复制到剪贴板。发送此链接到客户端/测试人员。保存链接以便将来使用。

  2. 下次如果要更新构建,只需用新的.ipa替换现有的.ipa。


I have a developer account and I'm used to authoring my own apps. Recently another developer I'm working with wants me to test their application on my device. He has already added my devices ID to his provisioning profiles and provided me with a compiled IPA, however I don't know how to go about copying this IPA to my iOS device. The workflow with XCode doesn't seem to be what I'm used to when working with my own source.

He has specifically asked me not to use Test Flight.

Any help is appreciated!


I use Dropbox to share Ad-Hoc builds with testers. Process as follows:

Distributing Ad Hoc iOS build using Dropbox:

Make sure iOS provisioning profile contains client’s/tester's devices’ UDIDs, otherwise build would not get installed on their devices and Dropbox is installed on your MAC machine.

  1. Set target device as iOS Device and prepare an iOS App Archive by going to Product -> Archive.

  2. Organizer window will open once archiving is finished, which shows all previous archives if any.

  3. Select the latest archive and click Distribute, select Save for Enterprise or Ad Hoc Deployment option and click Next.

  4. Select the provisioning profile to sign .ipa file which contains all the target devices’ UDIDs and click Export.

  5. After signing is completed, a Finder window opens which asks where to save the final .ipa file, select Dropbox folder where you want to put the .ipa. At the bottom of Finder window check the option Save for Enterprise Distribution.As soon as Save for Enterprise Distribution is checked some text fields will appear, enter a dummy url (e.g http://dl.myipalink.com) in the Application URL field and app name in Title field and click Save.

  6. Go to Dropbox folder on your MAC, you will find two files (viz. .ipa and .plist) are generated for you.

    6.1) Right click on .ipa file and select Share Dropbox Link, link will get copied to clipboard. Paste it in text editor and replace www with dl in the link. Now your .ipa link is ready, this is your Application URL discussed above in step 5.

    6.2) Open .plist file and replace dummy url with the .ipa link which we have prepared in step 6.1.

    6.3) Right click on .plist file and click Share Dropbox Link, paste the link somewhere and replace www with dl. This is the same thing we did in step 6.1. Your .plist link is ready.

  7. Create an .html file e.g as shown below in the same Dropbox folder in which .ipa and .plist files were saved or any other location inside Dropbox folder.

    <!doctype html>
    <title>MY APP</title>
    <h1><a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&amp;url=YOUR .PLIST LINK" > Download My App  </a></h1><br><br>

replace with the YOUR .PLIST LINK with .plist link which we have prepared in step 6.3. Save the html file.

  1. Right click on .html file and click Share Dropbox Link, link to .html file will get copied to clipboard. Send this link to client/tester. Save the link for future convenience.

  2. Next time if you want to update the build, simply replace existing .ipa with the new one.

Hope now you can distribute iOS build.


09-26 10:17