本文介绍了MonoTouch Enterprise-部署的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们公司已开始构建用于企业部署的MonoTouch iPad / iPhone应用程序。

Our firm has begun building MonoTouch iPad/iPhone apps for enterprise deployment.

如何获取该应用程序并创建一个* .ipa文件以上传到我们的MDM服务器?

How do I take the app and create a *.ipa file for upload to our MDM server?



An .ipa file is basically a glorified .zip file. There are a couple of routes you can go down:

  1. 将项目导出到xcode,然后在构建下单击构建并存档-填写适当的详细信息,项目将按预期为您创建.ipa。

  2. 如果这不是一个选择,(这对我们来说不是,那么这就是我的方法已经使用过,取得了巨大的成功),您只需创建进入.ipa的所有组件,然后在Finder中右键单击 Compress ...。


The .ipa is made up of the following components:

  • 一个名为 Payload的文件夹,其中包含已编译的(release / iPhone).app

  • 一个57x57 .png图标文件(在应用程序运行时显示)

  • 图标的512x512 .png再次文件-但是必须使用 no 扩展名重命名itunesartwork

  • iTunesMetadata.plist-其中包含有关该应用程序的信息,例如版权名称,流派,项目名称,softwareIconNeedsShine(您可以在Google上搜索此信息)。

  • A folder named "Payload", which contains the compiled (release/iPhone) .app
  • a 57x57 .png icon file (which is displayed while the app is being downloaded)
  • a 512x512 .png file of the icon once again - however this has to renamed itunesartwork with no extension
  • iTunesMetadata.plist - this contains information about the app, such as copyright name, genre, itemname, softwareIconNeedsShine (you can google what information this needs).

我打包.ipa的方式是,有一个名为 App Packaging的文件夹,其中已经包含所有这些组件,并且只要上载 Compress,我就只需更新.app文件。 ..,然后将文件重命名为x.ipa(OS X会询问您是否要使用此扩展名,请确保选择( use .ipa!)。

The way I package up our .ipa, is I have a folder called "App Packaging" which has all of these components already in, and I simply update the .app file whenever we do an upload, "Compress..." then rename the file to x.ipa (OS X will ask if you want to use this extension, make sure you select ("use .ipa" !).

这篇关于MonoTouch Enterprise-部署的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-26 10:09