最初下载我的应用时,用户需要下载一个大文件,例如 200MB(上限).我绝对不能指望用户在下载此文件之前保持应用程序打开.所以他/她可能会关闭应用程序和该应用程序将进入后台.
When my app is initially downloaded, the user needs to download a large file something like 200MB (upper limit). I definitely can't expect the user to keep the app open till this file is downloaded. So he/she might close the app & the app will go into background.
在这种情况下如何继续下载文件?这在 iOS 中是否可行?
How can I continue to download the file in this scenario? Is this even possible in iOS?
It is possible to start a background task when you begin the download:
但是,这样的任务受限于系统未定义的执行时间.但是,在这种情况下,下载 200Mb 的文件可能是一项太大的任务.
However, such a task is limited to an undefined amount of execution time by the system. However, a 200Mb file download may be too large a task in this case.
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