本文介绍了卸载 Microsoft ASP.NET 和 Web 工具的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我认为这个扩展在我的 Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 中引起了问题,但我无法卸载它.

I think this extension is causing a problem in my Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 but I can't uninstall it.


Under Extensions, it's listed but Remove/Disable buttons are grayed out. I can't find it under Remove Programs/Features either.


How in the world can I uninstall this extension?



  1. 下载最新的 Microsoft ASP.NET 和 Web Tools 安装程序
  2. 正常运行安装程序.
  3. 再次运行安装程序并点击卸载按钮.
  1. Download the latest Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools installer
  2. Run the installer normally.
  3. Run the installer again and click the uninstall button.

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10-19 13:37