


I'm writing a connection handler (a dialog to request username and password). The code is a handler that shows a dialog. This code could be called from a thread, so I need to Invoke() if InvokeRequired.


In a ideal situation I can initialize then handler with a Control to do InvokeRequired, but sometimes the Control could be null. Is it possible? How could I implement the code? Is the following correct?

public class GuiCredentialsHandler
    // control used to invoke if needed
    private static Control mInvokeControl;

    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize a GetCredentials handler for current process.
    /// This method should be always called from the main thread, for
    /// a correctly handling for invokes (when the handler is called
    /// from a thread).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parentControl">Application top form.
    /// Can be null if unknown</param>
    public static void Initialize(Control parentControl)
        if (parentControl != null)
            mInvokeControl = parentControl;
            mInvokeControl = new Control();
            // force to create window handle

    public static Credentials GetCredentials()
        if (mInvokeControl.InvokeRequired)
            return mInvokeControl.Invoke(
                new GetCredentialsDelegate(DoGetCredentials), null)
                as Credentials;
            return DoGetCredentials();

    private static Credentials DoGetCredentials()
        // the code stuff goes here



  1. 如果将空控件传递给InitializeMethod()
  2. 会发生什么?
  3. 如果在UIThread中执行Initialize()方法,该代码以后是否可以工作?
  4. 如果您没有任何控件可以测试InvokeRequired,推荐的模式是什么?
  1. What happens if I pass a null control to the InitializeMethod()
  2. If the Initialize() method is executed in the UIThread, will the code work later?
  3. What is the recommended pattern if you havn't got any control to test InvokeRequired?


EDIT :做一些测试,我意识到如果将null传递给Initialize(),则该控件未在UI线程中运行,因此InvokeRequired似乎返回false.总是.所以我的问题是,当我无法控制时如何执行真正的(可靠的)调用?

EDIT: Doing some tests, I have realized that if I pass null to Initialize(), the control is not running in the UI thread so the InvokeRequired seems to return false. Always. So my question is, how can I perform a real (fiable) Invoke when I have no control?

EDIT2 :进行mInvokeControl.CreateControl()解决了该问题.

EDIT2: Doing mInvokeControl.CreateControl() fixs the issue.



A simple solution is to create an invisible control in the main thread on which your worker threads can call Invoke.


07-22 20:59