

我需要实现文本到语音转换(TTS)系统在我的C#.net应用程序。现在,我正在使用C#.NET TTS包(System.Speech.Synthesis),这应该是相同的Windows扬声器。但我发现这个TTS听起来很奇怪。所以我想问是否有任何其他选项的TTS系统,可以说更自然流畅。 preferably它是免费的,因为我没有做一个商业项目。

I need to implement a Text-To-Speech (TTS) system in my C#.Net application. Now I am using C# .Net TTS package (System.Speech.Synthesis), which should be the same as the speaker in Windows. But I found this TTS sounds really weird. So I would like to ask whether there is any other options for TTS system which could speak more naturally and smooth. Preferably it is free of charge because I am not doing a commercial project.



有一个的与.NET其做到这一点。它比更平滑 espeak的。所有我的运气最好的是IBM 的ViaVoice 但我不认为它的自由了。有节TTS 是免费的,但我不能用它我的桌面应用程序。

There is a built in class with .NET which does this. Its much smoother than espeak. The best of all I had luck with was IBM's viavoice but I do not think its free anymore. There is festival tts which is free, but I couldn't use it in my desktop application.

System.Speech 是我觉得这给易用性和语音质量之间的最佳平衡。 ViaVoice的响起甚至更好,但我们不得不编译dll文件到命令行应用程序,将其整合为一个单独的进程得到它运行。 espeak的提供了一个内置的命令行应用程序,它可以在后台运行。

The System.Speech is what I felt which gives the best balance between ease of use and speech quality. Viavoice sounded even better, but we had to compile the dlls to a commandline app to integrate it as a separate process to get it run. espeak provides a built in command line app which you can run in the background.


10-18 23:04