



Hello friends,

i have two grid one is parent and second is child. now i want to access child gridview when button click i try something but it display null. here what i tried

protected void BtnSet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        GridView GrdRights = (GridView)this.GrdParent.FindControl("GrdRightDetail");

它显示为null ..谁能告诉我如何在单击按钮时获取子网格视图.

It display null ..can anyone tell me how to get child grid view on button click.


private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
           object childgrid;

           childgrid =  getControlByType(this, typeof(DataGridView).ToString());
           childgrid =  getControlByName(this, dataGridView1.Name);

       private object getControlByType(Control Main, string controlType)
           if (Main.HasChildren)
               foreach (var control in Main.Controls)
                   if (control.GetType().ToString() == controlType) return control;

           return null;

       private object getControlByName(Control Main, string controlName)
           if (Main.HasChildren)
               foreach (var control in Main.Controls)
                   var ctl = (Control) control;
                   object ctl2 = null;

                   if (ctl.GetType().ToString() == typeof (DataGridView).ToString())
                       ctl2 = ctl;
                       if (ctl.Name == controlName)
                       {return ctl2;}
                       ctl2 = null;

                   if (ctl.GetType().ToString() == typeof(Button).ToString())
                       ctl2 = ctl;
                       if (ctl.Name == controlName)
                       { return ctl2; }
                       ctl2 = null;

                   if (ctl.HasChildren)
                     ctl2 =  getControlByName(ctl, controlName);

                   if (ctl2 != null)
                       return ctl2;


           return null;


08-22 23:52