我尝试在此网站中运行一个简单的aop示例.我有spring aop和Aspectj,Aspectjweaver罐子:
I try to run a simple aop example in this site. I have spring aop and aspectj, aspectjweaver jars:
public class StringAspect {
@Pointcut("call(* String.toLowerCase())")
public void toLowerCasePointcut() {}
public String toLowerCaseAroundAdvice(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
String text = ((String) joinPoint.getTarget()).toUpperCase();
return text;
当我在Test.java中运行此示例(例如"AaBbCc" .toLowerCase())时,出现此异常;
When I run this example in Test.java like "AaBbCc".toLowerCase(), I get this exception;
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean ... Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.aspectj.weaver.tools.UnsupportedPointcutPrimitiveException: Pointcut expression call(* String.toLowerCase()) contains unsupported pointcut primitive 'call'
Spring AOP不包含"call",但是为什么AspectJ编织不起作用,您有什么主意吗?谢谢.
Spring AOP doesnt contain "call", but why aspectj weaving is not working, ,do you have an idea? Thank you.
在我的spring配置文件中,我只有@aspect注释类和<aop:aspectj-autoproxy />
In my spring config file I only have bean definition of @aspect annotated class and <aop:aspectj-autoproxy />
. my jars are : spring-aop-3.0.5, aopalliance, aspectjrt1.6.8, aspectjweaver1.5.0
您是否尝试过使用AspectJ Eclipse plugin 做编织? (它也包含在 SpringSource工具套件中)
Have you tried to use the AspectJ Eclipse plugin to do the weaving? (It is also included in SpringSource Tool Suite)
如果您的Spring配置中有某些方面的配置.尝试将其删除,仅在项目上启用AspectJ特性.还要删除所有AspectJ jar文件,仅使用插件自动附加的文件.
If you have some aspect configuration in your Spring configuration. Try to remove it and just enable AspectJ nature on the project. Also remove all AspectJ jar files and only use those that is attached automatically by the plugin.
With this setup it works for me at least.
You get an exception from the Spring container because of your call pointcut. But you want AspectJ weavingweave the aspect. Then you need to use either compile-time or load-time weaving. Compile-time weaving is the simplest alternative ant the alternative offered by the plugin.
You can look at the AspectJ compiler as an advanced Java compiler that also supports AspectJ. So you can run your compiled code anywhere.
Also, you do not need the plugin to compile. You can for example compile with an Ant task as I have showed here.
But the easiest alternative is to use the plugin. This also gives you extra help which I have described briefly here.