


I have a module in a project that has a need for post-time weaving.

我已将编译器配置为 Ajc ,并向模块添加了 AspectJ Facet,但是无法启用编译后编织模式".复选框显示为灰色.

I have configured my compiler to be Ajc and I have added AspectJ Facet to my module, but I am unable to enable the "Post-compile weave mode" as the checkbox is greyed out.


Anyone knows what am I missing there?


通常,我通过设置仅在Eclipse和IntelliJ IDEA中工作的Maven项目来完成我的AspectJ工作.为了帮助您,我只是尝试在IDEA中从头开始建立一个简单的Java + AspectJ项目.这就是我所做的(我也不得不玩一些):

Normally I do my AspectJ stuff by setting up Maven projects which just work in Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA. In order to help you I just tried setting up a simple Java + AspectJ project from scratch in IDEA. This is what I did (I also had to play around a bit):

  • 切换为项目编译器的Ajc,设置 aspectjtools 库的路径,并激活切换以委派Javac进行后期编译和非AspectJ项目
  • aspectjrt 库添加到项目中,作为JAR的路径或使用Maven坐标
  • 在所有与AspectJ相关的模块中
  • 添加 aspectjrt 库作为依赖项,并添加AspectJ facet
  • 编辑AspectJ构面,激活编译后编织
  • Switch to Ajc as project compiler, set path to aspectjtools library and activate toggle for delegating to Javac for post-compile weaving and non-AspectJ projects
  • Add aspectjrt library to project, either as a path to a JAR or using Maven coordinates
  • Add aspectjrt library as dependency in all AspectJ-related modules and add AspectJ facet
  • Edit AspectJ facet, activate post-compile weaving


If you have your aspects in a separate module, please also make sure to add that module as a dependency to the Java module and also add it to the aspect path.


Please also note that if optionally you wish to use Javac for compiling the aspect module, all aspects have to be in @AspectJ syntax, not in native syntax, otherwise you cannot delegate to Javac but have to use Ajc for the aspect module too. Either way, both modules need to have an AspectJ facet.


一些IntelliJ IDEA来源供参考:

Some IntelliJ IDEA sources for reference:


10-11 02:21