本文介绍了Openpyxl& Python:键列,值列 - 如何加总值并将总计分配给相应的键的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



  Col1 Col2 
1234 12.5
1234 8.2
1234 9.8
2334 10.1
2334 7.7
4567 9.8
5678 9.9
5678 8.4

我需要在Col2中使用OpenPyxl& Python ie。

  1234 30.5 
2334 17.8
4567 9.8
5678 18.3


  #import modules 
import openpyxl
from openpyxl.utils import coordinate_from_string,column_index_from_string
from openpyxl.utils.cell import _get_column_letter
import sys
from datetime import date
from datetime import time
import datetime
import calendar
from openpyxl.styles import颜色,PatternFill,Font,Border
from shutil import copyfile

dest_filename ='P:\\Charging\\\可扩展资源\\ChargeableActivity\\January2017ChargeableActivity.xlsx'
total =

#create objects
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename = dest_filename,data_only = True)
ws1 = wb.get_sheet_by_name('ChargeableActivity')

for i in range(1, ws1.max_row):
#convert ws1.cell(row = i,column = 12).value to integer(= Excel convert to number)
if isinstance(ws1.cell(row = i,column = 12).value,long):
RFCNumber = ws1.cell(row = i,column = 12).value
for ws1.iter_cols(min_col = 12,max_col = 12,min_row = 1):
如果ws1.cell(row = i,column = 12).value == RFCNumber:
total = total + ws1.cell(row = i,column = 14).value
print(RFCNumber,'Total =',total)

但输出是累积的, t删除重复的RFC号码:

  Col1 Col2 
1234 12.5
1234 20.7
1234 30.5
2334 40.6
4567 48.3
5678 58.1




 #定义关键字的一个dict {}:$ pair 
ref_total = {}

cell_A =行[:1] [0]
cell_B =行[1:2] [0]

reference = cell_A.value
ref_total [reference] + = cell_B.value
ref_total [reference] = cell_B.value $
print('%s%s'%(key,ref_total [key]))

使用Python测试:3.4.2 - openpyxl:2.4.1 - LibreOffice: / strong>

Apologies for the false start. I have now read the FAQs and hope my question meets the standards:). I have the following in a spreadsheet :

Col1        Col2
1234        12.5
1234        8.2
1234        9.8
2334        10.1
2334        7.7
4567        9.8
5678        9.9
5678        8.4

i need to total up the figures in Col2 for each reference number in Col1 using OpenPyxl & Python ie.

1234        30.5
2334        17.8
4567        9.8
5678        18.3

After a few false starts i have this :

#import modules
import openpyxl
from openpyxl.utils import coordinate_from_string, column_index_from_string
from openpyxl.utils.cell import _get_column_letter
import sys
from datetime import date
from datetime import time
import datetime
import calendar
from openpyxl.styles import Color, PatternFill, Font, Border
from shutil import copyfile

#set variables
dest_filename = 'P:\\Charging\\Chargeable Resources\\ChargeableActivity\\January2017ChargeableActivity.xlsx'
total = 0

#create objects
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename = dest_filename, data_only=True)
ws1 = wb.get_sheet_by_name('ChargeableActivity')

for i in range(1, ws1.max_row):
    #convert ws1.cell(row=i, column=12).value to integer (=Excel convert to number)
    if isinstance(ws1.cell(row=i, column=12).value,long):
        RFCNumber = ws1.cell(row=i, column=12).value
        for col in ws1.iter_cols(min_col=12, max_col = 12, min_row=1):
            if ws1.cell(row=i, column=12).value == RFCNumber:
                total = total + ws1.cell(row=i, column=14).value

But the output is cumulative and doesn't delete duplicate RFC numbers :

Col1        Col2
    1234        12.5
    1234        20.7
    1234        30.5
    2334        40.6        
    4567        48.3        
    5678        58.1

etcI'm not a coder and am looking for a way to save a lot of time editing a big spreadsheet. Any suggestions welcomed. Thank you.


Try this code:

# Define a dict{} for key:value pairs
ref_total = {}

# Get Data from all rows
for row in ws.rows:
    # Slice cells A,B from row tuple
    cell_A = row[:1][0]
    cell_B = row[1:2][0]

    reference = cell_A.value
    if reference in ref_total.keys():
        ref_total[reference] += cell_B.value
        ref_total[reference] = cell_B.value

for key in sorted(ref_total.keys()):
    print('%s %s' % (key, ref_total[key]))

Tested with Python:3.4.2 - openpyxl:2.4.1 - LibreOffice:

这篇关于Openpyxl& Python:键列,值列 - 如何加总值并将总计分配给相应的键的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-22 23:00