



i'm writing a program that prompts the user to enter two binary numbers of up to 8 digits each, and print their sum on the next line in binary. If the user enters an illegal character, he or she should be prompted to begin again. Each input ends with a carriage return. i wanna know how to add check so that if user enter other than 0 and 1 he should be prompted about wrong digit.
here is my program:


   PROMPT_1  DB  0DH,0AH,'Enter the first binary number ( max 8-digits ) : $'
   PROMPT_2  DB  0DH,0AH,'Enter the second binary number ( max 8-digits ) : $'
   PROMPT_3  DB  0DH,0AH,'The SUM of given binary numbers in binary form is : $'
   ILLEGAL   DB  0DH,0AH,'Illegal character. Try again.$'

     MOV AX, @DATA                ; initialize DS
     MOV DS, AX

     @START_2:                    ; jump label
       XOR BX, BX                 ; clear BX

       LEA DX, PROMPT_1           ; load and display the string PROMPT_1
       MOV AH, 9
       INT 21H

       MOV CX, 8                  ; initialize loop counter
       MOV AH, 1                  ; set input function

       @LOOP_1:                   ; loop label

         INT 21H                  ; read a character

         CMP AL, 0DH              ; compare AL with CR
         JNE @SKIP_1              ; jump to label @SKIP_1 if AL!=0DH
         JMP @EXIT_LOOP_1         ; jump to label @EXIT_LOOP_1

         @SKIP_1:                 ; jump label
           AND AL, 0FH            ; convert ascii into decimal code
           SHL BL, 1              ; shift BL towards left by 1 position
           OR BL, AL              ; set the LSB of BL with LASB of AL
       LOOP @LOOP_1               ; jump to label @LOOP_1 if CX!=0

       @EXIT_LOOP_1:              ; jump label

       LEA DX, PROMPT_2           ; load and display the string PROMPT_2
       MOV AH, 9
       INT 21H

       MOV CX, 8                  ; initialize loop counter
       MOV AH, 1                  ; set input function

       @LOOP_2:                   ; loop label
         INT 21H                  ; read a character

         CMP AL, 0DH              ; compare AL with CR
         JNE @SKIP_2              ; jump to label @SKIP_2 if AL!=0DH
         JMP @EXIT_LOOP_2         ; jump to label @EXIT_LOOP_2

         @SKIP_2:                 ; jump label
           AND AL, 0FH            ; convert ascii into decimal code
           SHL BH, 1              ; shift BH towards left by 1 position
           OR BH, AL              ; set the LSB of BH with LASB of AL
       LOOP @LOOP_2               ; jump to label @LOOP_2 if CX!=0

       @EXIT_LOOP_2:              ; jump label

       LEA DX, PROMPT_3           ; load and display the string PROMPT_3
       MOV AH, 9
       INT 21H

       ADD BL, BH                 ; add BL and BH
       JNC @SKIP                  ; jump to label @SKIP if CF=1
         MOV AH, 2                ; print the digit 1 i.e. carry
         MOV DL, 31H
         INT 21H

       @SKIP:                     ; jump label

       MOV CX, 8                  ; initialize loop counter
       MOV AH, 2                  ; set output function

       @LOOP_3:                   ; loop label
         SHL BL, 1                ; shift BL towards left by 1 position
         JC @ONE                  ; jump to label @ONE if CF=1
         MOV DL, 30H              ; set DL=0
         JMP @DISPLAY             ; jump to label @DISPLAY

         @ONE:                    ; jump label
           MOV DL, 31H            ; set DL=1

         @DISPLAY:                ; jump label
           INT 21H                ; print the character
       LOOP @LOOP_3               ; jump to label @LOOP_3 if CX!=0

     MOV AH, 4CH                  ; return control to DOS
     INT 21H



10-19 02:02