

我使用checkBox Days,如果我勾选了all days checkbox->所有其他日期都将被选中->所以当我想取消选中其他日期时出现我的问题->全天复选框保留更改为未选中.


Hi ,

I working with checkBox Days , if i checked all days checkbox -> all other days will be checked -> so my problem appears when i want to unchecked to other day -> the all days checkbox shold be changed to unchecked.

here''s my code ... plz help to handle this case

private void AllDays_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (AllDays.CanFocus)
        if (AllDays.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
            foreach (Control item in Controls)
                if (item is CheckBox)
                    (item as CheckBox).Checked = true;
        else if (AllDays.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked)
            foreach (Control item in Controls)
                if (item is CheckBox)
                    (item as CheckBox).Checked = false;


bool isAutoChange = false;
private Void IndividualDay_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
   isAutoChange = true;
   AllDays.CheckState = CheckState.UnChecked;

   isAutoChange = false;


问题在于您的AllDays事件会更改各个日期的状态,而单个日期会更改AllDays的状态-这会导致All Days触发该事件,从而导致...

Then check the isAutoChange in your AllDays handler and if set, do nothing at all.

The problem is that your AllDays event changes the state of the individual days, and the individual days change the state of AllDays - which causes All Days to fire the event, which...

You need to provide an "override" mechanism to prevent it.

bool checkChanged = false;

       private void AllDays_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
           if (AllDays.Focused)
               if (checkChanged == false)
                   if (AllDays.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                       foreach (Control item in Controls)
                           if (item is CheckBox)
                               (item as CheckBox).Checked = true;
                   else if (AllDays.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked)
                       foreach (Control item in Controls)
                           if (item is CheckBox)
                               (item as CheckBox).Checked = false;


       private void Day4_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
           CheckBox chk = sender as CheckBox;
           if (chk.Focused)
               checkChanged = true;
               if (checkChanged == true)
                   AllDays.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
               checkChanged = false;


10-30 03:34