

我在Ejb很新,对这个很少的知识。我下载了NetBeans(7.01)和GlassFish(3.01)。但是,由于我不知道Ejb,我没有得到如何运行包含一个简单的Statefull Session Bean,一个jsp页面和一个后端数据库的代码。例如,我发现一些示例代码,如或许多示例。任何身体都可以通过一步一步的程序来帮助我,如何运行它。或者任何人都可以建议一个很好的教程或书籍,它显示了一步一步的程序以及代码如何实现这样的示例。谢谢提前。



I am very new in Ejb and with very few knowledge about it. I have download NetBeans (7.01) and GlassFish (3.01). But, as I have no idea about Ejb, I am not getting how to run the code which includes a simple Statefull Session Bean, a jsp page and a back end database. For example, I found some example code like this code or many "shopping cart"examples. Can any body help me by giving a step by step procedure how to run it . Or can anybody suggest a nice tutorial or book which shows step by step procedure along with code how to implement examples like those. Thanks in advance.


Try this tutorial, it uses Glassfish and Netbeans for creating a sample JEE6 application with EJBs.


09-15 09:07