

我是新来的微软Azure。我在Azure上建立了一个试用帐户。安装在蔚蓝PowerShell和提交的缺省单词计数的Map Reduce程序,它工作正常,我能看到在PowerShell中的结果。现在,当我在HDInsight选项卡中打开我的群集的查询台,作业历史记录为空。我缺少的是在这里吗?我在哪里可以查看作业导致的Azure?

I am new to Microsoft Azure. I created a trial account on Azure. Installed the azure powershell and submitted the default wordcount map reduce program and it works fine and am able to see the results in the powershell. Now when I open the query console of my cluster in the HDInsight tab, the job history is empty. What am I missing here? Where can I view the job results in the Azure?


查询控制台不显示M / R的工作,只有工作蜂巢。您可以使用PowerShell命令的 GET-azurehdinsightjob ,同时将返回所有这些。

The Query Console does not display M/R jobs, only hive jobs. You can see the history of all jobs by using the PowerShell cmdlet for get-azurehdinsightjob while will return all of these.

