I have a problem. I have defined some global variables and namespaced it into an object called "app".Example:
window.app : {
foo : null,
bar : null,
好吧,我的想法是我希望能够通过调用app.foo ="baz"或app.bar ="baz"来从任何模块中修改那些变量,但是我不希望用户能够从浏览器控制台(元素检查器)修改这些变量.
Well, the idea is that I want to be able to modify those variables from any module by calling app.foo = "baz" or app.bar = "baz", but I don't want the user to be able to modify those variables from the browser console (element inspector).
PD: Well, I have a Backbone.js collection which is sinchronized with the server. I don't want the user to be able to modify that collection with the console
No. The browser is the user's domain. They have the possibility to modify your scripts and inject their own functionality in various ways (through the console or browser plug-ins). That's one of the reasons why you should never blindly trust user input on the server side.
They could even manually forge a complete request, tricking your server into thinking that your JavaScript code made that request.
If you want these values to be secure, you need to keep them on the server. You can send them to the client, of course, as long as you keep a possibility to validate the values against those on the server.