我正在尝试使用.NET Core为我的C#项目运行单元测试.我在运行时使用 Docker 容器.
I am trying to run unit tests for my C# project with .NET Core.I am using a Docker container for the runtime.
FROM microsoft/dotnet:0.0.1-alpha
RUN mkdir /src
ADD . /src
RUN dotnet restore
"NUnit" and "NUnit.Runners" have been added into project.json
"version": "1.0.0-*",
"compilationOptions": {
"emitEntryPoint": true
"dependencies": {
"NETStandard.Library": "1.0.0-rc2-23811",
"NUnit": "3.2.0",
"NUnit.Runners": "3.2.0"
"frameworks": {
"dnxcore50": { }
使用以下输出成功运行 dotnet restore
Run dotnet restore
successfully with the following output
log : Installing NUnit.ConsoleRunner 3.2.0.
log : Installing NUnit.Extension.NUnitV2ResultWriter 3.2.0.
log : Installing NUnit.Extension.NUnitV2Driver 3.2.0.
log : Installing NUnit.Extension.VSProjectLoader 3.2.0.
log : Installing NUnit.Extension.NUnitProjectLoader 3.2.0.
log : Installing NUnit.Runners 3.2.0.
info : Committing restore...
log : Restore completed in 4352ms.
I tried to run the tests with:
dotnet nunit
dotnet nunit-console
我该怎么称呼跑步者?还是有另一个可以与当前版本的.NET Core一起使用的单元测试框架?
How am I going to call the runner? Or is there another unit testing framework that works with the current version of .NET Core?
更新4: NUnit3TestAdapter v3.8 已发布,因此不再是Alpha.
Update 4: The NUnit3TestAdapter v3.8 has been released, so it is no longer alpha.
更新3:使用 NUnit3TestAdapter v3.8.0-alpha1 ,现在可以运行测试了使用 dotnet test
Update 3:With NUnit3TestAdapter v3.8.0-alpha1 it is possible now to run the tests using dotnet test
command. You just need to have these dependencies in your test project:
<PackageReference Include="nunit" Version="3.7.0" />
<PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="3.8.0-*" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="15.*" />
更新2:,Visual Studio 2017和从 project.json
到 csproj
的迁移使 dotnet-test-nunit
测试适配器已过时,因此我们需要发布另一个更新的适配器以运行.NET Core测试.请参阅在Visual Studio 2017中使用NUnit测试.NET Core(如果您使用的是VS2017和新的.NET Core工具).如果您使用的是 project.json
Update 2: Visual Studio 2017 and the move from project.json
to csproj
made the dotnet-test-nunit
test adapter obsolete, so we needed to release another updated adapter to run .NET Core tests. Please see Testing .NET Core with NUnit in Visual Studio 2017 if you are using VS2017 and the new .NET Core tooling. See the update below if you are using project.json
更新:NUnit现在支持 dotnet测试
,因此您不再需要使用NUnitLite.参见测试.NET Core RC2和ASP.NET使用NUnit 3的Core RC2 .
Update: NUnit now has support for dotnet test
, so you no longer have to use NUnitLite. See testing .NET Core RC2 and ASP.NET Core RC2 using NUnit 3.
NUnit控制台(和底层的NUnit Engine)尚不支持针对.NET Core运行单元测试.希望我们将在NUnit 3.4中获得该支持.
NUnit console (and the underlying NUnit Engine) do not support running unit tests against .NET core yet. Hopefully we will get that support in NUnit 3.4.
In the meantime, you can use NUnitLite to switch your tests to a self-executing test runner.
我在使用NUnit 3测试.NET Core .快速摘要是;
- Create a .NET Core Console application for your test project.
- Reference NUnit and NUnitLite from your test project. You do not need the runner.
- Modify
to execute the unit tests.
It should look like this;
using NUnitLite;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
namespace MyDnxProject.Test
public class Program
public int Main(string[] args)
var writter = new ExtendedTextWrapper(Console.Out);
new AutoRun(typeof(Program).GetTypeInfo().Assembly).Execute(args, writter, Console.In);
For more complete information, see my blog post.
这篇关于在.NET Core中运行NUnit测试的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!